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Position:Home>Poetry> My poem titled "And Here's To the End"?

Question: My poem titled "And Here's To the End"!?
here we are,
face to face!.
you say your sorry,
what a disgrace!.
you sayed you loved me,
with a passion so strong!.
Well now i can see,
that all that was wrong!.
you wanted me in your life,
until the very end!.
That is until at least,
you fell for my best friend!.
i hope you have fun,
you disgusting smart-***!.
While you gawk at my friend,
during language arts class!.
im sick of your bull ****,
im sick of your lies!.
i dont even love
looking into your eyes!.
you hurt me so bad,
now i finally know!.
why all my friends told me,
to leave you and go!.
so after this month,
of love off and on!.
i can now proudly say,
that those feelings are gone!.
so have a nice life!.

thats to my ex-boyfriend if no one could tell! lol!.
how do you like it!?
should i change anything!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i loveeeeee it, its so good, i love the rhyme schemeWww@QuestionHome@Com

WOW!!!!! I LOVED IT SWEETIE:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it! I hate guys that could do that!. That's mean!. You should totally E-mail this to him!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's pretty good!.
line 5 sayed is said!.
I would change the line!.!.!.!.
i don't even love
looking into your eyes!.
It doesn't really fit!.
Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com