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Question: Will you join us!?
Blanket and crazy quilt
Draped just so!.
Old plank table with have to suffice
We have no poles!.!.!.
To fasten up our lodge!.
Giggles permeate the cozy dream!.
Imaginations run wild
As do our ponies!.!.!.
Over the long abandoned

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh, to be one with a horse
On a warm sunny day
Wind stealing the heat
Giving the horse her head
Let her lead to home

This Mike Oldfield Song sums it up best for me

On Horseback
By Mike Oldfield and William Murray

I like beer, and I like cheese
I like the smell of a westerly breeze
But what I like more than all of these
Is to be on horseback

Hey and away we go
Through the grass, across the snow
Big brown beastie, big brown face
I'd rather be with you than flying through space!.

I like thunder, and I like rain
And open fires, and roaring flames!.
But if the thunder's in my brain,
I'd like to be on horseback

Some like the city, some the noise
Some make chaos, and others, toys!.
But if I was to have the choice,
I'd rather be on horseback!.

Some find it strange to be here,
On this small planet, and who knows where!.
But when it's strange and full of fear,
It's nice to be on horseback!.

Some are short, and others tall,
Some hit their heads against the wall!.
But it doesn't really matter at all,
When you happen to be on horseback!.

So if you you feel a little glum,
To Hergest Ridge you should come!.
In summer, winter, rain or sun,
It's good to be on horseback!.

You know, I'd rather be on horseback!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are there any laurels here!? Either way, I'll cop a squat and listen to you recite your words as a poetist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i can't joint with you this meter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lets all sit quielty and listen to your words!.
theyre lovely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll join you!
Nothing beats indoor camping!.!.!.!.shall I bring some ham and turkey sammies!?
Someone's got to bring the juice too!.!.!.!.

Children making a tent using the picnic table over which to drape the blanket and quilt!. I actually did this with friends some years ago!. Then, just as you describe, we invented adventures!. Your poem brought back memories of childhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Count me in! This brought back fond memories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's windy inside my head as well!.!.!.

I just heard from Annabella!.!.!.poor thing!.!.!.suffering in the South of France sans Internet access!.!.!."I'm sitting in a cafe in the middle of Aix-en-Provence, drinking Earl Grey and checking email!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know what!? I have one of those sitting in my living room this very moment!. It also has walls of couch cushions and a woodland path of throw pillows!. Honest to goodness!.
Lovely poem!. A memory for all of us to share and enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There seems to be an old west theme going on this morning, along with virtual kissing!. I loved the images evoked from this poem!. Give us another, Bayard Lady, bring the long abandoned prairie back into heart and mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would come but I might be needed at the Coal Mine (As do our ponies - over the long abandoned
Prairie) bitter sweet lines!. Lovely

Under our kitchen table
There was a coal face
Where my brother dug and delved
Me up in the office
Being the boss,
Yelling and screaming down the phone
"We've trains and fires to feed
Send up another load!"
Him banging with his shovel
To make a rare-old noise!.
We had such fun
It's amazing what children will do
If they don't have any toys!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should vent the smoke from you wigwam not inhale! I am going to check and see if there is a Motel 6 near by!. I hear they leave the lights on!. Then I will reread this nice offering to get me into the dreamy state so my ponies can run too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Brings back some wonderful memories
of yesteryear

Thanks for the memoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know nothing of prairies and wild ponies
The sound of coyote calling
And the long prairie grasses

I have never walked under a big sky
The bright stares
The limitless horizon

Mine is the land of pine and cypress
Where once the Cherokee ruled
With the Occaneechi and Sappony

I hear the Whippoorwill
And the Cicada
With the fox and the Beaver

The slow rivers and the black water swamps
Spanish Moss
Sand hills

All of this sparks my imagination
As I lay by the Little River this moon lit night
Seeking my next Cat


This is rich and robust and economical at the same time!. Great elements!. The images come easy, no convolutions necessary!. Good poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com