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Position:Home>Poetry> Will you join me as I walk?

Question: Will you join me as I walk!?
How cunning is the fox,
As with sly panting grin
He leads the baying hounds!.
While the horns piercing din
Rebounds from leafy copse!.

In the wood, Brock Badger
Ambles along with rolling gate
Towards his earthen den!.
Not worrying about fox’s fate
Whose run outstrips any bragger!.

Owl opens one yellow eye,
His roost is a knotted Oak!.
While on placid nearby lake,
Rests a fisherman’s small boat
And swallows wing the sky!.

On Willowed grassy bank
Otters brood playfully slide!.
As brook flows in quite mood
Let Water Skimmer gently glide,
Among Rushes smelling rank!.

Cattle grazing where they will
In fields dressed in meadow green!.
While Sparrows twitter in the hedge,
Cranes; one leg uptucked do preen
A gifted feather to make a quill!.

All is serene and delightful to view
As I take my walk this summers day;
With faithful hound nigh old as I!.
We stroll the path with naught to say,
Silently give thanks for wonders new!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds very relaxing, dreamy!.!.!.kind of escapism, similar to William Butler Yeat's "Lake Isle of Innisfee"! I love this so much Robert!. It brings peace and tranquility to my heart as i read it!. Thank you so much for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What century, pray tell,for the descriptions are timelesss!. The brook was not the only thing flowing well!. Go ahead and preen, for you have written well!. My compliments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i need such friend whom i can join and who will join me too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dreamy!. I like it!. Shouldering and gregarious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How wonderful are these images! I've walked down a path in England!. Even though I've never been there I feel as if I have!. What a pretty way to start the morning!. Thank you Robert!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes sir, I would be proud to join you as you walk, and watch the hand of mother nature while strolling with you and the dog near as old as you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is poetry!. Sadly, it is rarely written like this in modern times!. The form, meter and imagery all work together to engage the senses and the emotions!. You are a marvel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com