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Position:Home>Poetry> Will you read and maybe give a word or 20?

Question: Will you read and maybe give a word or 20!?
My muse has committed suicide!
I don’t know why
Or how
But I want him back!
He never complained and yet…
When I tried to write an inspiring poem about it
The crap you are now reading
Was the result

This is how I am feeling and it was not meant to be good… if it was good it would have been rendered moot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You want HIM back, girl, what are you thinking of!?

I like little things like this, especially when they are funny but have that sting in the tail!.

Let you into a secret - my muse left me 10 years ago - only Answers!.Yahoo has brought her back!. Having read your previous postings I know you won't take that long to get back in the saddle!.
(did you like my attempt to sound American with that 'girl'!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

funny, but not so good!. you should add more to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This was so refreshing for me to read!.!.!. I have been so used to so many people trying SO hard (me being one) and you have simply sat down, uninspired, and used that as your inspiration!.!.!. thank you for sharing this Rouxe! Do not worry, you will find yourself another muse!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't lose your sense of humour we all need to lighten up!. Find another muse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can relate completely with this!.!.!. I have felt this way many a time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh i am sorry for your muse but there's another out there as i am looking for another one too but not a Muse lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

When this paper becomes devoid of words
I did not know I had!.!.!.!.!.
When this paper spits back only imprints
made from last years jagged pen!.!.!.!.
If I am not mad now,
I will be then!. Pat Ramsden 1979

Here is some 35 words to let you know you are not alone !. there are other life forces out there , Your muse i s just taking a break, giving you enough space to decipher your dreams!. It is called rejuvenation!. Now is the time to, clean out our drawers!. Metaphorically speaking, of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com