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Position:Home>Poetry> 10 points for free jus READ!!!!!!! ohh wats a god theme?

Question: 10 points for free jus READ!!!!!!! ohh wats a god theme!?
wat do you think is a good theme for this poem and explain why tks

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This is the dark time, my love

This is the dark time, my love,
All round the land brown beetles crawl about
The shining sun is hidden in the sky
Red flowers bend their heads in awful sorrow
This is the dark time, my love,
It is the season of oppression, dark metal, and tears!.
It is the festival of guns, the carnival of misery
Everywhere the faces of men are strained and anxious
Who comes walking in the dark night time!?
Whose boot of steel tramps down the slender grass
It is the man of death, my love, the stranger invader
Watching you sleep and aiming at your dream!.

Martin CarterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A theme for this poem is oppression!. A dark time is often associated with oppression such as the communist period in Russia or Hitler's rule in Germany!. The sun being hidden in the sky symbolizes the loss of hope!. Red flowers typically symbolize romance!. People are anxious and strained during periods of oppression!. Violence is used to oppress people!. The poet ends saying that death comes in the night, leaving a mark on the people!. Death is always hanging nearby, but it is unwelcome (as its called an invader)!. Death may also be seen in a deeper interpretation as the only escape from oppression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Black Walk
You bring up the word dark a lot, but the context in which you bring it brings to mind the darkest of all things!.!.!. like when you talk about the man of death, the dark time, etc what color is there that is darker than black!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow,i like the poem This is a dark time,my love!.
It was very deep and it made u actually think about what ur reading!. I liked it! =) Thanks for sharing!