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Position:Home>Poetry> Rate poem 1 to ten and be nice.. don't say it sucked..?

Question: Rate poem 1 to ten and be nice!.!. don't say it sucked!.!.!?
people don't flat out say it sucked cause that's rude as hell, i asked for a rating and constructive criticism!.!.

look inside yourself
and see what you've become
tug at the meaning of yourself
like a string coming undone
once you have unraveled
all the things you hide
you will finaly see
what you are insideWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Scuzeee dear friend but dont care wat others think ur poem was great and it may relate to them hating ur poems 2 can they write such a well-written pc of lit!.!? Hell no!.!.!.so just appreciate ur talent and one day, u will B a famous poet and ppl will B quoting lines from ur poem and in ur biography it'll be written how this all started and how self esteem made u who ur today
never giv up dudee use ur talent it a gift from God
Jus one thing though,
Why dun u day:
Your eyes will finally perceive
Beneath the veins that pump blood,
the pure soul hidden inside

PS : Its jus a suggestion K ; U get a 10/10!!:P:0;]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say about 8 or a 9
good job
and NO it does not suck i like itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I won't! Say that! So there! Enjoyed it tremendously!

I liked it I give it an 8!. I like your use of metaphor, keep writng!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it! 8 out of 10!. (It's almost impossible to convince me to give a 10!) I like the style and your string metaphor!. If you don't like the way it is now, something that often works for me is to take one line from it and just write a new poem using that, or several versions of the same one!. I think you're a good writer! Some people just don't understand poetry!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, you are very correct in saying it is rude to say "it sucks" !. Now I like this poem, but I am wondering if you have a title for it!? It is short and finishes quite nicely, yet it also sits with the possibility of being added to!. Perhaps in the future you may want to expand on this a bit, then again perhaps not!. Either way works!. A nicely written piece!. Bravo!. Oops, almost forgot, I would rate this a minimum of 8!. Nice writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think your poem sucks
it sure talks about telling someone to
take a hard look at them self,
Don't be judgment
Asking for construction criticism is
the tool for making a poem better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate rating poetry because it doesn't help writer improve !. But because you want a rating I will give it 6/10 Please don't be offended or think I didn't like it , I did , I am just hard to please , and if I was rating my poems they would not be higher than that as well!. I think you did a good jobWww@QuestionHome@Com

It sucked, JK
I really like the mental picture and allegorys, they are really powerful!.
your rhymes are good and your rhythm is immaculate BUT, try and match your rhythm count with your rhyme schemes, a with a, b with b, blah blah!.

most importantly, don't stop writing, that's the best way to be world class!.

Email me if you got a problem,