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Position:Home>Poetry> I really need help on editing poem?

Question: I really need help on editing poem!?
You boast the Ph!.D, M!.A!.
looking sophisticated in your leather chair!.
Book cases line the shelves!.
Psychology number one topic!.

I was the crack in your wall
that you always ment to fix!.
Dust slowly gathers up leaving a thin sheet!.
You're ment to fix me, us!.

But even without your help,
I'm not just the crack in your wall no more!.
I feel alive, touching, smelling,
tasting, hearing, seeing, laughing!.

I don't linger back in the crowd anymore!.
I know I still have scars!. Never to be gone!.

But it's okay!.
You made me pick up and get a life!.
To stop mourning every night,
regurgitating because of guilt!.

All that hard work you did
on blindly seeing me!.
Now you left congratulating myself
repelling from the ward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think its fine except this:

You boast the Ph!.D, M!.A!.
looking sophisticated in your leather chair!.
Book cases line the shelves!.
Psychology number one topic!.

I was the crack in your wall
that you always ment to fix!.
Dust slowly gathers up leaving a thin sheet!.
You're ment to fix me, us!.

But even without your help,
I'm not just the crack in your wall (any)no more!.
I feel alive, touching, smelling,
tasting, hearing, seeing, laughing!.

I don't linger back in the crowd any more!.
I know I still have scars!. Never to be gone!.

But it's okay!.
You made me pick up and get a life!.
To stop mourning every night,
regurgitating because of guilt!.

All that hard work you did
on blindly seeing me!.
Now you left congratulating myself
repelling from the ward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's perfect in my view!Www@QuestionHome@Com