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Position:Home>Poetry> It has been awhile; Suggestions?

Question: It has been awhile; Suggestions!?
"Gypsy,Tramp,Thief,Creep,get out of our town,useless heap!."
"Thank you" I said,waved my battered cap,"Y'all are so sweet!."
I kinda like the word "BUM",and I sit on mine now as the train gathers STEAM
I see fields of cows,munching content in fields,Emerald green!.
The "Box Car" just a means to an end I had no real notion of
I never felt like the back side of the country fit me like a glove!.
"On the Road Again" could have been,and again,and again,
sung to a restless spirit, who rarely asks "Where or When!?"
I was never suited for the type of commute,on a wheeled chair
a distance from desk to copier,with my once full head of hair!.
I even look for those places, no one else might go
off line,rutted paths,and my hair never did re-grow!.
I never long for your glass and steel towers,spending hours
looking out,wanting to be soaked in those afternoon showers!.
I don't much envy your extravagant cars,or 5 O'clock after work, stops at a bar!.
I may never have so much I guess,
but have so much learned, that MORE is often LESS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I suggest you hop off at the next honky tonk and see how less can be MORE ;;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is provocative!. This is tangible!. It is also true, more is usually less!. I used to see the hobos in the boxcars when I was little!. I think they held a certain degree of respect!. So glory in the afternoon showers and keep on!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you write beautifully!. it brought tears to my eyes!. i suppose this is just a poem, but it has potential to be so, so much more!. just!.!.!.wow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com