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Position:Home>Poetry> Why would 165 people vote on a best answer when only 2 posted comments? 3rd post

Question: Why would 165 people vote on a best answer when only 2 posted comments!? 3rd posting of short poem!?
love and doubt

When is ever but
how is always
and the questions never
end and love is

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I checked it out!. The question should not be why would 165 people vote!. The question is "Why didn't they vote for moi!? C'mon, be a pal, gimme the 10 points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who knows!? Can you build points for voting!? Probably just bored pinheads with nothing to do!.

Good short poem, I suppose!. I prefer the ones that rhyme but yours has real meaning so that makes it good for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com