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Position:Home>Poetry> Just a simple depiction of a little episode in my life. You like?

Question: Just a simple depiction of a little episode in my life!. You like!?

My little grandson’s a sweetie
He comes up and stands by my knees!.
Then he snuggles closely beside me
And gives me a kiss and a squeeze!.

He stays, his face pressed up to me!.
“Dink-nana” is his plaintive cry!.
“Nana’s busy my little angel
I’ll get you a drink bye-and-bye”

My reply bounces off unheeded
He raises his little voice up!.
“DINK-NANA” His eyes command me!.
“No” I say “You’ve just had a cup!.

From a face a few inches from mine!.
Results in my final refusal!.
(I’m not leaping up all the time)!.

“If you keep interrupting, Nana
I’ll never get this poem written
I’m sorry, but that’s life, be patient!.
I know!. Go and play with the kitten”!.

This doesn’t actually deter him
This child is made of stern stuff
After the twentieth time of asking
I surrender, I’ve had quite enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know the feeling well!. My toddler hates it when I sit down at the computer to write!. What I repeatedly hear is "Mom!.!.!.Talk to me!" I have to wait until he is busy playing or lost in PBS to use the computer!. Lovely poem :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very interesting and good!. I could imagine everything!. Sounds like a little toddler!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take it Granny is 'sitting'! Get the same treatment from my two pups, vocal as all get out, but their eyes have it! I capitulate
(else they are up in my lap)!.!.!.together!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not bring it to the next level!? Make a visual poem out of it!. Grab a camera and record some stuff and upload it to PoetryVisualized!.com!. You can also just record audio and attach a picture or graphics to it!. All up to you!. Be creative!. Once uploaded you can share it with your friends and family and also the online community will rate and give you the feedback you are seeking!. You can also ask follow poets for advise etc!. Just visit PoetryVisualized!.com and you will see what potential this new site has to offer you!. My best, TanselWww@QuestionHome@Com

So Nana or Granny or GrannyJill, just think your muse caused you to not only clean up but pen a nice and amusing look at about five minutes of your life!. Well saidWww@QuestionHome@Com