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Question: I need a Poem!?!!?
it needs to be about God i need it today plz something that rhymes well and is serious not insulting!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We do not see the wind,
We only hear it sigh;
It makes the grasses bend
whenever it goes by!.

We do not see God's love,
But in our hearts we know
He watches over us
Wherever we may go!.

We do not have to see
To know the wind is here;
We do not have to see
To know God's love is near!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can try the "search by category" function at this poetry site:


Or you can do a web search on Gerard Manley Hopkins or John Donne, both poets who wrote well-known religious poems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From Which I Came

Within my palm a truth is held
It is not strong it cannot heal
From hands held out, to hands that fight
My head is bowed in thy own sight
A day has started and for filled
Hours passed and minutes killed
The sun has passed its noon, now dusk
Evening scents are rich with musk
Alone I sit and breath you in
You fill my heart my spirit sings
For all I do in every way
To be with you I need only preyWww@QuestionHome@Com

As i turn to see you
Away from my white lies
As if they would give promise
and a great life!.

(And) if we turned to see you
We'd have enternal life
Fall into your promise
and feel the beauty of sightWww@QuestionHome@Com