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Question: Is Lust always good bait!?
Modern Day Hunters

The lady’s legs glowing
through the night sky
beckons souls enter
darkness of web’s delight…

Shimmering poles rise
grinding slow and rhythmic
while lights pulse and strobe
entranced… the eyes lust!.

Their porcelain faces beguile
smiles so real that sins are pure
but their eyes are stalking… waiting
for blood be drained tonight!.

The hunters move, the prey awaits
hypnotized and mesmerized!.
Schoolboys now… eager they
education though takes money honey!.

Intoxicated, delirious, flattered and stroked
must reward for love… they surely do!.
Give me more… their egos scream!.
The hunters smile… blood they like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love the education takes money bit, and the glistenig poles!. For some reason, I'm thinking it would be even more effective without the vampire images, since the hunter is enough, but I could be wrong!. This was an enticing read, The metaphor is perfect, works well!. Especially since it's not overdone!. The beginnning drew me in and slowly reached climax towards the end, hard to do, but you did it!. I loved this!. Grinding Slow and Rhythmic played on both an overtly sensual image and something of dancing, like at a club where this sort of service would occurr, and so this was extremely effective and aided in what was to come!. Thank you for posting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, and that is a fantastic piece of writing by the way!. you should go proWww@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of imagination in that piece, I love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess it depends on what you trying to catch!. If your trying to catch a root then its live bait!. If you trawling for love then you will probably get mostly by-catch!. BTW nice poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've been watching too many Vampire films and it's overheated your imagination!.
I suggest a course of cold showers! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

The entendres, they have been doubled and re-doubled!. This sort of thing makes me very happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very good!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Horny hunters!? Hot!!! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The lady’s legs glowing
beckons souls enter
darkness of web’s delight…
Shimmering poles rise
grinding slow and rhythmic
porcelain faces beguile
blood be drained tonight!.
Schoolboys now
The hunters smile… blood they like!.

-either my mind's so coarse or there's a thin line between literal meaning and poetic license!
interesting lexical choices and syntactical structures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who is the hunter and who is the hunted!? That is the question! Exciting poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

30 years ago, Kansas City had a world-class red light district!. The churches won that battle!. No more TB in KC!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He stood bare,
Facing the window,
Nervous he waits,
His youth intoxicating,
She eyed him,
Nak!.ed she waits
Venom ready
Time is money!.

Thanks Neon – This was an arousing read!.
