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Position:Home>Poetry> A play i cannot face ( poem i wrote please tell me what you think )?

Question:Sometimes we all need an Sos
Other times i have nothing to express
The insides are burning and crying
I can't escape it no matter how hard i'm trying
What ever happened to world peace?
Now all those ideas have been in a crease
The wrinkles will not flatten
All of them seem to be wrapped around satin
they are safe and warm long ways away
Some where in a period of a long sorrow play
THe characters are acting in a play i can't face
They are all making me go into a memory trace
I can't find myself under all these piles of rock
All i have is this scribbling block
I'm writing these thoughts in a wonder of my gaze
As my heart is in this mysterious haze

I wrote this today and was wondering what you guys think.. please tell me what you really think..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sometimes we all need an Sos
Other times i have nothing to express
The insides are burning and crying
I can't escape it no matter how hard i'm trying
What ever happened to world peace?
Now all those ideas have been in a crease
The wrinkles will not flatten
All of them seem to be wrapped around satin
they are safe and warm long ways away
Some where in a period of a long sorrow play
THe characters are acting in a play i can't face
They are all making me go into a memory trace
I can't find myself under all these piles of rock
All i have is this scribbling block
I'm writing these thoughts in a wonder of my gaze
As my heart is in this mysterious haze

I wrote this today and was wondering what you guys think.. please tell me what you really think..

It sounds sorta like a rap song to me! I disagree with the first poster, I like rhyming poetry, I like free verse. I like all forms of poetry. I think that you put a lot of work into this and it deserves the consideration of an opinion on the content, not in the form it is written. I think it is good, keep writing. Thanks for sharing.

look when i saw the first rhyme i just said no. your a good poet but not ryhming but then i realized that i could do better in free verse so just write a poem that dosn't rhyme and then talk to me

i like it a lot