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Position:Home>Poetry> What's Dangerous?

Question:What do you consider dangerous? I need some ideas for a project. I would appreciate ideas that are somewhat common, like running with scissors or playing with fire. It is for a type of poem I am writing.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What do you consider dangerous? I need some ideas for a project. I would appreciate ideas that are somewhat common, like running with scissors or playing with fire. It is for a type of poem I am writing.

Chicken Sushi
treading on thin ice
playing cards with the devil
betting all the chips
Russian roullette
tempting fate
walking a tightrope
playing chicken
living life in the oncoming lane
putting your head in a lions mouth
jaywalking blind
playing in traffic
waking a sleeping lion
dancing on a cliff

to fall in love
to live for someone else

to live cautiously
to let people make u
to make other people

to hide emotion
to release emotion
to deprive yourself of something
to engorge yourself in another
to hide your fear
and to relinquish your fear

to dream unreachable goals
and not to fulfill them
to give yourself fully
to have regrets

to run with sandals on
and to run without shoes on

lol i could go on forever

when danger comes lurking aroung does it mean dangerous.

Never wearing a seatbelt.

Unprotected intercourse.

Going away and leaving food simmering on the stove.

Turning on the gas without the pilot being lit.

Using a power saw with no safety guards.

Walking through a deep, crumbling trench.

Playing in traffic.

Feeding wild bears.

Swimming with sharks.

Jumping off of tall buildings.

Climbing cliffs without a rope.

Eating food out of a swollen, rusted can.

Walking alone after dark in a gang-controlled neighborhood.

Using injectable street drugs.