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Question:boasting about your image
coasting about your self image
you are putting up the signage
to save your image

lying about life's changes
crying about my images
you are always in my changes
so you can have your image

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: boasting about your image
coasting about your self image
you are putting up the signage
to save your image

lying about life's changes
crying about my images
you are always in my changes
so you can have your image

The words, being redundant, lose the effect that perhaps you intended. Challenge yourself to use a metaphor to describe this conceited and ego driven person. Perhaps the peacock? An example of a couple of lines: (1) Oh, how you strut the yard (2) waiting for all to eye (3) for then you unfold your image (4) as if to sign, pay heed.
Keep at it, the end result will be worth it.