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Position:Home>Poetry> This is an old poem, what do you think of it??


I can feel you, but I can not see you.
I know your there, but am I there too.
I dont always know, where you go.
Looking for you is some times so hard.
Do you search for me, as I search for you.
Ive known you all my life and I have indeed seen your strife.
There are times when the loss of you, does make me grieve.
If I was again to see you, would it set me free.
I used to know you so well, will I know you that well again.
Walking in the cool brezze, it took me back to a time of peace.
To a time when I was free.
Are you there when at times I am sad.
Do you want to be near me when I feel sad, after being mad.
Feeling you near a day or two ago, what was it.
Was it the past, or was it you.
Is yearninh too strong a word, for its what I do for you.
It hurts me so much when we are apart.
Is it being selfish of me, is it being bad, wanting to be glad.
Who am I searching for,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Searching.

I can feel you, but I can not see you.
I know your there, but am I there too.
I dont always know, where you go.
Looking for you is some times so hard.
Do you search for me, as I search for you.
Ive known you all my life and I have indeed seen your strife.
There are times when the loss of you, does make me grieve.
If I was again to see you, would it set me free.
I used to know you so well, will I know you that well again.
Walking in the cool brezze, it took me back to a time of peace.
To a time when I was free.
Are you there when at times I am sad.
Do you want to be near me when I feel sad, after being mad.
Feeling you near a day or two ago, what was it.
Was it the past, or was it you.
Is yearninh too strong a word, for its what I do for you.
It hurts me so much when we are apart.
Is it being selfish of me, is it being bad, wanting to be glad.
Who am I searching for,

did you write that?
i love it..
i love poetry..and i love writing it..
one piece of advice. never rely on someones opinion of your poem..
the only opinion that matters is yours because its your true feelings from your heart and on to papaer!!
keep writing

truthfully i think it was kinda a boring at sometimes and then sometimes i wanted to read more. If you put work into your old poem I think it could be really good. I can see where the can be a really great poem.

Right now i would give it a 6.5 out of 10

Wow, that was deep. I think that in looking for what we want in life, we have to step out and take things that are uncommon to our normal routine...Keep up the writing, It shows depth... and it shows a true feeling. Thanks, I liked it.