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Position:Home>Poetry> Satire and Parody in Swift and Pope's work?

Question:Does anyone know anything about the difference between the satire and parody of Alexander Pope's "The Rape of Lock" and Swift's "A Modest Proposal" ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know anything about the difference between the satire and parody of Alexander Pope's "The Rape of Lock" and Swift's "A Modest Proposal" ?

Swift's essay used his brilliant but shocking satire " A Modest Proposal" to perhaps shock the people of Ireland to solve the dreadful conditions of hunger, poverty and homelessness which already existed. the conditions and his parody were equally untenable.

Popes poem the Rape of Lock was a sardonic criticism of a society which had lost touch with reason. Men who considered frivolity and superciliousness as important and heroic and were apt to be treating issues like the snipping of a woman's hair as an actual rape He wanted to show them that these things were unworthy of their concern.

The difference between Pope and Swift is that Swifts plea was not funny it was gravely important and was meant to perhaps actually solve the problems and save lives. Popes was poking fun of his contemporaries and his plea was not heroic in itself as Swifts plea. proved to be. .

Modest Proposal= horatian satire

Rape of the Lock= Menippean satire