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Position:Home>Poetry> Finnished poem.. up for critque..?

Question:Her knees are bruised from kneeling
on the cold, hard bathroom floor,
her fingers shoved down her throat
trying to vomit once more.

She then stands and glares in the mirror,
forever unhappy with what she sees,
she’s become an empty wreck,
nothing like she used to be.

She pinches the foul fat that resides
on her stomach, arms and thighs,
sighing as she exits the bathroom,
continuously wondering why.

“Why are you so pathetic?”
She asks herself.
“Why can’t you be skinnier,
just like everyone else?”

Tempation rushes through her,
she eats to fill the void,
nothing can comfort her,
her life has been destroyed.

Again she kneels before the toilet,
tears forming in her eyes,
she doesn't want to live like this,
a life formed of lies.

--Welcome to my life.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Her knees are bruised from kneeling
on the cold, hard bathroom floor,
her fingers shoved down her throat
trying to vomit once more.

She then stands and glares in the mirror,
forever unhappy with what she sees,
she’s become an empty wreck,
nothing like she used to be.

She pinches the foul fat that resides
on her stomach, arms and thighs,
sighing as she exits the bathroom,
continuously wondering why.

“Why are you so pathetic?”
She asks herself.
“Why can’t you be skinnier,
just like everyone else?”

Tempation rushes through her,
she eats to fill the void,
nothing can comfort her,
her life has been destroyed.

Again she kneels before the toilet,
tears forming in her eyes,
she doesn't want to live like this,
a life formed of lies.

--Welcome to my life.

Honestly at first I scoffed at the subject matter after reading the first stanza.

But as I read on, you know, I really liked it. And in fact I felt a little sad (wow coming from a person who's usually cold and unfeeling). Good job! I like it :D

And do cheer up, honey. People love you for who you ARE,not how you LOOK. :)


it's pretty deep and i love it.

Wow I love that sooo much, I am going save it so that I can have it later, don't worry i wont plagerise it
uh title... Her own biggest critick
don't know if that is spelled right

Oh, how sad. From a structural stand point I think it's very good. The content is important, the message to get out to girls suffering from bulimia is much needed. I'm not good with titles. Maybe someone else can come with one but I know that it tears you up inside to do this. It hurts and you feel so helpless to stop. You think you're a hippo but you're as skinny as a rail. That's what bulimia does to you. I know.

It's really deep. I like it, but I hope you really aren't going through that. If you are, then just remind yourself that you are beautiful no matter what. If you want to loose weight, then do it the old fashion way. Oh and you should call it either Welcome to my life or Image. You can also call it Weightful Image.

I like the format of the poem though I don't really like the message of it your definitely a talented writer...keep up the good work. And if that truly is your life...just to let you know, not everyone is skinny & it'st the contents of your spirit & personality that make you who you are...not your looks.

Why did you jump from she to in welcome to my world.? It is pretty good, hardly a subject I care to read about but it definitely has an audience and a message. .

There is something about kneeling before a toilet that puts me in mind of praying to a porcelain God. Something illusive like sacrifice.

good work .

Amazing! It shows the pain u feel and having ppl really understand! IT goes toghether greatly and it really moved me! And maybe if got that published that maybe u could help girls like you get through the tough tomes like that! beautiful!!!!!Luv ya!