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Position:Home>Poetry> Something way different for the Dark Prince. Do you like this side of him.?

Question:"lost seasons"

Tumbling down brown hills of cattail weeds,
Summers hot and final days wasting away.
Just laughs and screams and kids at play forever,
I never thought that it would ever even end,
These days I thought would always be there with me,
They vanished right before my childish eyes.
One kid got killed by a drunken driver,
Another family just disappeared one day.
I wonder sometimes where they have all gone to,
Inseperable as we once all seemed to be,
Now I can't even seem to try and care.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "lost seasons"

Tumbling down brown hills of cattail weeds,
Summers hot and final days wasting away.
Just laughs and screams and kids at play forever,
I never thought that it would ever even end,
These days I thought would always be there with me,
They vanished right before my childish eyes.
One kid got killed by a drunken driver,
Another family just disappeared one day.
I wonder sometimes where they have all gone to,
Inseperable as we once all seemed to be,
Now I can't even seem to try and care.

The overall idea is very good, but try to express emotion more deeply, this is just a superficial story, not poetry. Try using poetic language.

hmm yes...

reminiscent of Gary Glitter's early work, however with a distinct lack of the aforementioned's obvious charm.

I think it is good
sorta depressing but good

I didn`t like the part about the kid getting killed by the drunk
driver. I hate when people drink and drive.

It's sad but good.

Childhood memories is all we have left
We've aged and grown and gone on
The one's we loved and played with
Gone to the ends of the world
Some died, some are famous, some are junkies
Some we never heard of again.
But we still have those memories,
Of times of mirth and play,
They take us back and let us see
Like tape with instant replay.

it's good steve
i like your other work better
but you know i'm your number 1 fan
im me

The older I get, the more I understand that 'you can never go home again.' The older I get, the more I wish I did not understand it.

how reminds me of a song *yes i think everything reminds me of a least asong of two* "season in the sun" by terry really was your title that reminded me....i've finally finished one of my poems that took sonce took 22 days to finish because i got distracted from it and there was no inspiration.....i finally finished it!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!'s rare that i write poems on the spot so...feel lucky one of 'em was an answer to your question! lol i kid i kid! xD
* ^('-')^ step away from the key board! you are babbling too much!* lol