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Position:Home>Poetry> Something for a friday night. I hope you like it.?


I have this tiny feeling,
of being torn apart.
When my pain and pleasure meet,
my mind fades straight to gray.

An image rotting in my mind,
left alone so long ago.
The waves of time wash all away,
except for all that blood.

The emptiness deep in my soul,
I see the end of time.
Nothing remains but a stain,
my God, why can't you see.

Tears are running down my face,
like ice drips from a tree.
Life's not always what it seems to be,
when drowned inside my dreams

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "nothing"

I have this tiny feeling,
of being torn apart.
When my pain and pleasure meet,
my mind fades straight to gray.

An image rotting in my mind,
left alone so long ago.
The waves of time wash all away,
except for all that blood.

The emptiness deep in my soul,
I see the end of time.
Nothing remains but a stain,
my God, why can't you see.

Tears are running down my face,
like ice drips from a tree.
Life's not always what it seems to be,
when drowned inside my dreams

AC Tesla - There's a time when the poet writes for the audience, and a time when the poet writes for the self.

I find it interesting - that you should choose to publicly pass judgement on this artist's skill, and on the entire body of his life's work in the poetic medium, and that you should do this based upon sampling a few of his works at an admittedly dark period in his creative cycle.

It's interesting, but also revealing. Your obvious need to make what should be otherwise unnecessary statements tells a story about you. Given that - you should show the same kind of restraint that I will demonstrate here.

For example, I will not tell you that you are not qualified to judge poetry. I will not tell you that you are a prideful person, who attempts to cause pain for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. Neither will I tell you that you are fundamentally lacking in some important part of your life, in ways that you can't fix or control.

Because you probably know these things already.

Pointing them out only cheapens your struggle to overcome them.

Doesn't it?

I love it.

It describes how i feel sometimes.


I've read a few of yours, and you have a way with words, keep it up, I like it.

It is truly disgusting to read this poem over and over and over.
How many times have you written it? I know, sometimes the blood comes before the pain, or the tears are replaced by scars, no matter. You clearly have not the slightest amount of artistic talent or literary skill. You are incapable of deep, moving, or even dark, poor thing. The only thing you can accomplish is nauseating. Sadly for the others, they have, through the power of suggestion, acquired a taste for garbage.

wow your amazing at poetry.i can only write stories,oh well. =/

wow what a gorgeous poem.

kinda expresses my thoughts on life, i like how u blend more than 1 feeling into 1 expressed thought. very interesting. ill have to add some of that to my work, it makes you ur poem feel as if its getting inside you not just laying on the outside trying to seep in.

wow that is wonderful.. very deep

big bro! i really liked it....

i smile, though i feel like crying
the wound from that broke my heart
though i have so many people with me
i feel desolate, no more yellow happiness...
just the dirty yellow...
it doesnt shine as brightly
it fake, like plastic
when i think no one is watching me shed that one tear....
out they come and say
are you okay?
i cant speak, i'll cry even more
i cant do that, i'm am the strong one
i am the one who never breaks down
leave me alone, you'll see
i be back to "normal" in no time
back to that yellow plastic happiness

i hope you liked it steve! wrote it on the spot so it's probably really rough....

not one of your best, but i agree with greeneyeddevil when she says this is writing for the self.
i do love the ending lines, though.

and, on a different note, i understand why that line was in your last poem now,, and it makes sense.

afterthought: i wonder, does Deadly Poetry write down the things he comes up with? with rework, some of them could be pretty good.

Reminds me of an old Gary Glitter song, and by the way, the answer's no.

u shud b famous.
im speechless