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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of my rough poem?

Question:I am a story teller but i'm concient i'm no poet but this one just flowed out. Let me know what you think.

Gwenyth rides
through the night
to her knight in shining armor

But what she didn't know
was that the foe
awaited to kill her.

Melodramatic but either i continue the poem or transform it into a story.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a story teller but i'm concient i'm no poet but this one just flowed out. Let me know what you think.

Gwenyth rides
through the night
to her knight in shining armor

But what she didn't know
was that the foe
awaited to kill her.

Melodramatic but either i continue the poem or transform it into a story.

a good try....but you really cant call that a poem(if im not harsh)..........................anyway a good try..........never ask people wat to do when ur doing something like this.....if u really think that it'll be the best in the form of a poetry go wid it or if u r not that confident build it up into a good readable story and i'll be the first to read it cause i liked the way u started and would like to know the way ur gona to end it

I would love to read a story about Gwenyth. I'm an big book reader too. I read a lot of books as well as poetry. But you might try to turn it into a poem. I have one called Smiling Alice and it's too long to put on here. It's about a girl who had the power to kill men with a single glance if they don't do as she tells them to do. It's a story in a poem. You should read some Robert Frost poetry. He writes stories in poetry form.