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Position:Home>Poetry> Inspired by TD I've written a poem. Do you like it?


Alone at my station, I observe the heavens,
galaxies expanding through time and space,
planets frenetically whirling around their primaries.

I separate light from darkness,
seed life in the slime of new worlds,
watch them take root, evolve and grow.

I witness their religions and cultures,
their struggles and wars for survival and power,
until they annihilate their species and their worlds.

Or I fire a nebula to awe my incredulous creatures,
cause a star to go nova for their edification,
hurl down an asteroid for their punishment.

I watch their puny ships rise from the surfaces,
tap into their computers and their lives,
learn the meaning of flesh and mortality.

I understand joy and anguish and physical pain,
know ambiguity, love, hate and hope,
and for an eyblink, I live as mortal being.

I alone have seen and known and done all,
there is none to share Eternity with me,
I am angry, jealous, lonely, bored.

It is time to begin anew.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Entropy

Alone at my station, I observe the heavens,
galaxies expanding through time and space,
planets frenetically whirling around their primaries.

I separate light from darkness,
seed life in the slime of new worlds,
watch them take root, evolve and grow.

I witness their religions and cultures,
their struggles and wars for survival and power,
until they annihilate their species and their worlds.

Or I fire a nebula to awe my incredulous creatures,
cause a star to go nova for their edification,
hurl down an asteroid for their punishment.

I watch their puny ships rise from the surfaces,
tap into their computers and their lives,
learn the meaning of flesh and mortality.

I understand joy and anguish and physical pain,
know ambiguity, love, hate and hope,
and for an eyblink, I live as mortal being.

I alone have seen and known and done all,
there is none to share Eternity with me,
I am angry, jealous, lonely, bored.

It is time to begin anew.

Sounds like my favorite deity. . . . a god with minor faults, a god in flesh and blood - the old testament god!

Only a supernatural being would inhabit this realm:
. . . "I observe the heavens,
galaxies expanding through time and space,
planets frenetically whirling around their primaries"

Only the OT deity defied the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics to perform these feats:
. . . ."separate light from darkness,
seed life in the slime of new worlds,
watch them take root, evolve and grow"

wow. . . !
"I watch their puny ships rise from the surfaces,
tap into their computers and their lives,
learn the meaning of flesh and mortality.

Yes, this is definitely Jehovah's holy writ echoing regrets after the flood:

"I understand joy and anguish and physical pain,
know ambiguity, love, hate and hope,
and for an eyblink, I live as mortal being."
*correct eye-blink

Indeed, 'I am a "jealous" God. Thou shalt not have other gods before me' is the deity's own admission and that's why I love Him. . . feeling jealous. . . like Othello! . . . like me!! And the divine command is perfectly echoed here:
"I alone have seen and known and done all,
there is none to share Eternity with me,
I am angry, jealous, lonely, bored."

Well, indeed "It is time to begin anew," and never shall I destroy mankind like this again!! nice paraphrase of the divinity's apology and regret delivered to Noah after the flood!!

Even if not quite intended by poet, this is what I gather from the poem. Hold your horses, there is nothing sacrilegious about the poem and how respective readers interprete it. Perhaps it's a complex commentary on human affairs at a deeper level. That's fine. Perhaps the poet meant this as a religious poem which emphasizes the divine mysteries of a transcendental God. That's fine too.

Commendable effort, commendable poem. . . . allows opportunity to rethink certain positions taken for granted.



Nice prose. You are on a good role. Could be a bit more dramatic. I think if I could change one thing to make it better with out altering it much it would be the following. i have numbered your stanza 1 to 8. Take stanza one and move it to begin after stanza 6 (i understand joy) and before stanza 7 (I alone have seen). It makes more sense there and your poem flows better with it there. Try it there and see how it sounds. Good luck.

OMG! It's fantastic........this is me in the front row clapping loudly and throwing flowers on the stage! It's just wonderful Elaine.

This is SO MUCH FUN to read don't change a thing. IF anybody has the balls to offer a critique on this, honestly I don't feel that they have paid close enough attention to the overall piece, what it's saying and how it's being said. I got completely lost in it. It's a wonderful poem just like it is.

I like this poem, Elaine. It's very abstract. It's like a reflection upon life and what it means to be a human; the complexities behind it. But i'm also confused. Is this poem about you or about TD? in God is the great equalizer? I really like your poem. It is very powerful and I'm sure speaks to the souls of many. Very thought provoking and well written.

You've outdone yourself with this one Elaine! I read it twice. There's alot there. I didn't want to miss any of it.