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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem dedication to Elyslund?

By Semper Fi Reborn

It was said to be a place of wonder
Where the valleys ran green with grass
And the rivers smelled of cherries
On a spring day
Of chocolate in the fall

A place of miracles
Where the essence of joy laughed heartily
A trail of giggles left their footprints in the sky
Mountains made of ice cream
Wore caps of caramel
Would occasionally avalanche gum drops

Stress was never a part of the people
Nor a word they gave voice to
Or a word for
Such unpleasant emotions
Were not abiding in this place
Lacking shelter
Unhappiness had long traveled beyond these walls

There is rumored to have been
Only one map
To Elyslund

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Elyslund?
By Semper Fi Reborn

It was said to be a place of wonder
Where the valleys ran green with grass
And the rivers smelled of cherries
On a spring day
Of chocolate in the fall

A place of miracles
Where the essence of joy laughed heartily
A trail of giggles left their footprints in the sky
Mountains made of ice cream
Wore caps of caramel
Would occasionally avalanche gum drops

Stress was never a part of the people
Nor a word they gave voice to
Or a word for
Such unpleasant emotions
Were not abiding in this place
Lacking shelter
Unhappiness had long traveled beyond these walls

There is rumored to have been
Only one map
To Elyslund

What a joyful, magical delight of a poem dedicated to a wonderful, incredibly talented poet. I love the first three lines of the second stanza especially, so poignant and whimsical. I am sure Elsyabeth will enjoy this immensely.


that is the cutest thing i have heard in a long time. it reminds me of the candy land game, a really happy place that you can only find in your imagination, or on the pages of a fantasy book. very good!!!!!!!

Sounds like nice place to go, very very good. Elyslund will be pleased.

Sweet...I'll bet Elysbeth will love it.

Lovely! Keep up the good work...

Lacking shelter, unhappiness had long travelled beyond these walls. Marvellous! You have talent.

This is a marvelous fantasy poem dedicated to a woman I admire for her brilliance, talent and humor. I have "met" so many wonderful, unusual people here, I wonder how I ever got through the day without them. Semper Fi, you're one of those people.

This is a wonderful poem. I love the delicious imagery. Elysund will feel very special.

Magical!! May I come along?