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Position:Home>Poetry> What is the poem 'mushrooms' by sylvia plath about?

Question:i KNOW its about mushrooms.. but isn't it about something else?? like.. what does it REALLY mean??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i KNOW its about mushrooms.. but isn't it about something else?? like.. what does it REALLY mean??

its about being in a euphoric state of mind otherwise a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania. hope this helped :)

It's about being in a euphoric state of mind.

I don't think the poem is about euphoria at all.

The poem is personifying mushrooms; the way they grow, almost overnight, through many other things that were there before them, until they have taken over. There's almost a Lovecraftian sense of foreboding about how they multiply, despite their 'diet on water, and crumbs of shadow,' and how they ask 'little or nothing' of those around them. The last stanza is especially eerie, when the mushrooms imply that they are on their way to taking over the world. I can almost imagine a dark earth overrun with fungus. Creepy.

The way the mushrooms act remind me of lazy people who are too afraid to think for themselves. If the mushrooms are meant to represent anything, that would be my guess.