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Position:Home>Poetry> This is kind of risky, the way you kids fling words around. Should there be a wa


by Pat Brotbeck

The sky pours down its abject tears,
As stunned, ~we grope our way through fears,
To find some reason why.

The thunder roars in stark dismay
At man's poor quizzing, fumbling way
To find some reason why.

The lightening streaks across the sky
But gives no light, or help where by
We'll find some reason why.

So short a time for love to grow
And man so helpless, begs to know
Who'll give some reason why.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: +++

by Pat Brotbeck

The sky pours down its abject tears,
As stunned, ~we grope our way through fears,
To find some reason why.

The thunder roars in stark dismay
At man's poor quizzing, fumbling way
To find some reason why.

The lightening streaks across the sky
But gives no light, or help where by
We'll find some reason why.

So short a time for love to grow
And man so helpless, begs to know
Who'll give some reason why.


Very good. Who's Pat?

Oh wow, thats beautiful. Love it.

Still no fault in there. Beautiful haunting rhythm.

Yes. And arrrrgggghhhh...This is frustrating. I thought i'm answering Mrs. Brotbeck's question. I love your mom's avatar!!!

This is written very well, far better than I could probably ever do, though it doesn't really grab me. Needs to be able to reach people on a more personal level, maybe? Just my thoughts.

that touched my soul

The angels know the reason why in heaven up above
leaving mortals down below grieving and in love.

Your words are touching...thanks for sharing them.

beautifully done

Very nice and very touching.

What a sad and touching poem. This hits home for me as I had a close call with my eldest son once. Definitely a tear jerker and beautifully written. Why, is the only question I can think of when any child dies.

Ten thousand reasons I might write,
Ten thousand reasons why.
None would be the one to say,
A child just had to die.

10 million reasons are not enough to answer why.

Risky?? I think it's BEAUTIFUL!!
Are you thinking some might find double meaning to your words?

Your mother has no fear of words, but used them...instead of the words using her....big difference there. Beautiful. Does not beat around the bush...just comes out and has her say...I like that.
I also like the 8-8-6 structure of the stanzas, and the repetition of 'reason' in each ending line, and 'find, 'find', 'find', then 'give'.....oh, she's GOOD!

I don't think this poem requires a disclaimer, TD...many of us have lost children, and people of all ages are aware of that.

I think it is a wonderful says a lot in a small space...things most of us think.