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Position:Home>Poetry> About this poem what you think?

Question:As i lay here in my bed,
i decide to think about the things we'd said.
Our ups and downs, smiles and frowns,
tearful eyes, and drownd out dreams.
They were the days we'll never forget,
because you stayed with me by my side,
through it all, the whole ride.
Thanks for being there when i needed you,
you helped me out through and through.
That's why your so special, because your my friend,
i hope you stick with me untill the end.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As i lay here in my bed,
i decide to think about the things we'd said.
Our ups and downs, smiles and frowns,
tearful eyes, and drownd out dreams.
They were the days we'll never forget,
because you stayed with me by my side,
through it all, the whole ride.
Thanks for being there when i needed you,
you helped me out through and through.
That's why your so special, because your my friend,
i hope you stick with me untill the end.


It has a nice flow to it, however there are some slightly rough spots. Here are my suggestions:

The first two lines seem not quite in sync.

I would shorten the second line to read, "I think about the things we'd said".

"drownd" should be spelled as "drowned".

The word "They" in the fifth line, should be changed to "Those".

On the seventh line, it's rhythmic pattern seems off. I would suggest it to read, "through all the good and bad times".

Last line, I would suggest it read, "I hope you stick with me until the very end.

It's a very nice poem and the feeling is there.

i think it's a beautiful poem.if you wrote it you have talent it's really good:)))

it's cute.
but not professional or anything like that.
you want honest answers and i'm not here to make fun or make you feel bad..
the rhyming with every two lines is a little elementary level poetry rule..
maybe try different kinds of poetry??

very very good you should be proud of yourself if you made this.

cliche and forced rhyme. boring