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Position:Home>Poetry> Do You Like My Poem # 10?

Question:I wrote this ages ago 4 my gf, we're not together any more, (i got dumped) but I just wanna know what people think! :)

You Are An Angel

You are an Angel, you are a rose,
My love for you just grows and grows,
My love for you just really shows,
That I'm so glad it's me you chose.

You are the land, and you are the sea,
I am the lock, and you are the key,
I am the leaves, and you are the tree,
Am I just dreaming, or do you love me?

You are the stars, and you are the sky,
You are the apple, and I am the pie,
You are the girl, and I am the guy,
You are the reason that I fly so high.

You are an Angel, you are a rose,
My love for you just grows and grows,
My love for you just really shows,
That I'm so glad it's me you chose.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I wrote this ages ago 4 my gf, we're not together any more, (i got dumped) but I just wanna know what people think! :)

You Are An Angel

You are an Angel, you are a rose,
My love for you just grows and grows,
My love for you just really shows,
That I'm so glad it's me you chose.

You are the land, and you are the sea,
I am the lock, and you are the key,
I am the leaves, and you are the tree,
Am I just dreaming, or do you love me?

You are the stars, and you are the sky,
You are the apple, and I am the pie,
You are the girl, and I am the guy,
You are the reason that I fly so high.

You are an Angel, you are a rose,
My love for you just grows and grows,
My love for you just really shows,
That I'm so glad it's me you chose.

its amazing, its so cool, that great, wat on earth did she dump ya for, her head aint right man lol


Your poem is really great. You need to enter it in a poetry contest. I believe you may win an award or you could even have it published someday. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!

repetitive and boring

wow that's awesome you should really enter a contest or something!!! ;-D but next time i suggest rhyming every other line it just sounds repetitive the way you wrote it...

I think it's good - it's not too cheesey because it sounds personal e.g. "you are the apple, and I am the pie".

Just a recommendation is below. I really like your poem but I felt something different at the end could have fitted a little better to sort of break the repitition.

You are an Angel, you are a rose,
My love for you just grows and grows,
My love for you just really shows,
My love is a river...
Which flows and flows.

i personally hate it..but i dont like poems that every other key frame rymes....

i think its really sweet. id b over the moon if my bf wrote that 4 me and she must be an idiot for dumping you!

I like it. She sure is missing out.

I love it! i wish my ex wrote something for me like that!

Aww, that was very touching.
I'm sorry that your gf dumped you, it sucks when that happens =(.

*sigh* sooo beautifully beautiful and meaningful...
i wish i could write like that
unfortunately, i have no writing talents whatsoever >.< lol

-Miyuki-Chan ^^

it's great

i am L and justice will prevail.

That is so nice and i truly mean it and at least someone went out with you for a while