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Position:Home>Poetry> Yooooooooo?

Question:Tell me what you think.

Repent, repent sinner.
Wall street, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, they all proclaim what you have done.
Headlines cut out, tacked to the wall a thousand times.
You're proud, you're too proud.
It's going to end.
You're going to end.
You can't escape.
You can't escape.
Repent, repent sinner.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Tell me what you think.

Repent, repent sinner.
Wall street, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, they all proclaim what you have done.
Headlines cut out, tacked to the wall a thousand times.
You're proud, you're too proud.
It's going to end.
You're going to end.
You can't escape.
You can't escape.
Repent, repent sinner.

I got the feeling that this was a serial killer trying to exorcize his demons before they try to kill again. Good use of poetic imagery of not comming right out and saying it, but getting the message across. Noticably creepy subject matter. If that was your intent, then I would say it's a success.

A Haiku to summarize:

Given to madness
I cry out to God help me
Must I kill another


I'm scared, very scared.

it's good, interesting, reminds me of Brittney Spears or one of those gals.

It lacks a Departure point... You can hear the SAME kind of rant from nameless Preachers on half a dozen Street Corners in N.Y.C. ...You need to express from whence it Comes... ... .

Well, I'm not thrilled. Sorry, you need to work on it some more.

well its a bit scary... its actually makes me a bit scared for you. IDK what to think... pry one of the most confusing wierdest things i have ever read... sorry! Keep working on it.