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Question:it is called Gotta Stop Loving You by Cait

We danced under the moonlit sky
We kissed under a great weeping willow
We hugged in the cold cold rain
But I gotta stop loving you

I ran around the corner of your house
To find you kissing another girl
The red dress I put on for you was soaked and dirty
I run to my house with my eyes all red

I get to my room and can't stop crying
All this time you were really lying
I see your picture on my desk
And pick it up and throw it at the wall
I gotta stop loving you

I come to your wedding;wearing your favorite dress
You smile at me and I give a scowl
You kiss and the weddings over;I change into jeans and a shirt
I come up to you and rip up your favorite dress
I'm GLAD I stopped loving you

what you think??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it is called Gotta Stop Loving You by Cait

We danced under the moonlit sky
We kissed under a great weeping willow
We hugged in the cold cold rain
But I gotta stop loving you

I ran around the corner of your house
To find you kissing another girl
The red dress I put on for you was soaked and dirty
I run to my house with my eyes all red

I get to my room and can't stop crying
All this time you were really lying
I see your picture on my desk
And pick it up and throw it at the wall
I gotta stop loving you

I come to your wedding;wearing your favorite dress
You smile at me and I give a scowl
You kiss and the weddings over;I change into jeans and a shirt
I come up to you and rip up your favorite dress
I'm GLAD I stopped loving you

what you think??

yeah its a good poem, but i think u should make it rhyme thats what i look for in poems but hey up to you

It didn't change much. I still dislike it.

okay if you want the honest answer... i think the concept is okay but the overall like rythem is not too good. try working on the rhythem and rhyme and i think you got yourself a good poem! keep it up!

it's okay! Could be better!
some of the lines are a lil akward.
Like this one:
The red dress I put on for you was soaked and dirty

You kiss and the weddings over;I change into jeans and a shirt
I come up to you and rip up your favorite dress

Honestly, It's alright but the rythym, well it actually lacks that. Good Luck.

It's okay but not great, sorry

uhm. to be honest with you, you made a poem that people won't appreciate. yes, everyone will get that message that you want to stop loving that guy. but you should be careful in choosing your words in poetry. because, i only see it as a "somehow" sensible literary article with a poem structure. you must improve your poem. try to read other poetries and you might get some ideas about writing one. just dont stop writing if composing makes you happy. make sure that the next you will do is a hell more different from that poem you posted.