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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you an INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person if so can you answer this for 10 point

Question: Are you an INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person if so can you answer this for 10 points !?
Please!. Thank you!. Now this year is starting off on a good note!.
And I am thinking about the future!. Philosophically speaking!. I
want to rekindle a flame with someone from my past!. She just
got out of an abusive relationship with this man about 5 months ago!.
She told me she was ok then, but I knew that she wasnt really though!.
Her life has been out of control on last year!. And now she is reserved
and in healing as we speak!. I want to make my way back into her
life soon!. Perhaps on Valentine's Day!. She as you know, is
dealing with her own personal demons and more!. She has issues, yes!. But I want to help her now, with her healing process!. And
she has been eager to talk to me lately!. My other cell phone keeps
ringing!. We both have new cell phones now and new numbers!.
I will give her my number when she gets my Valentines Day
Card in the mail!. Do you think that this will be a good time for
us to put our relationship back together again!. Because at the
end of the day, this is what we both want!. No matter how hard
we try to deny it!. What is she feeling right now about us!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If it is meant to be it will be, but in dealing with girls in abusive relationships I've found that the cycle of abuse continues!. All abused women share one thing in common, they think it is there fault they are abused!. Even outside of the abusive relationship they will continue to feel guilty!. They will think that their next partner doesn't love them because they don't abuse them!. Many abused women have a history of abusive relationships, and the horribleness associated with the history does not end just because they were strong enough to get out of the situation!. The damage is spiritual and psychological, and unless you are prepared to face these things head on, as if they were a tangible, physical ailment, I suggest you look elsewhere, and let this poor creature, go about the business of putting her soul back together!. My advise: TAKE IT SLOW, she will be apt to want to jump into a serious relationship, especially if you had a history!. Resist that urgeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't procrastinate, seize the moment!. You seem to be communicating with her some how, some way, do it again!. Ask her out this weekend, then that will open up Valentine's Day for the two of you to enjoy the day together!. To wait until Valentine's seems so cliche and she may not take you all that seriously, I wouldn't!. Contact her now, do it, do it, do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you procrastinate and wait until Valentine's day, someone else may beat you to the punch!. You may want to start by being her friend now and help her through her issues!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Something in your statement seems a bit odd!. Here's a damaged individual trying to redevelop or heal as you express it!.You make an assumption ie ''this is what we both want'' You use an immature expression ie Valentines Day'' and finally you say ''make my way back into her life'' Why not let her decide, after all it's her that's had the trauma, not you!. It sounds as if your trying to manipulate her mentally and emotionally!. A rather selfish attitude in my opinion!. Let her decide whats best for her, and you simply respond ''if and when '' asked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the first and second posters!. But you have to realize the risks that involve both of you at the same time!. Ask if the man from her past is no longer in her life!? And if so then do not be near them!. That is harsh but that is reality!. If he is not in her life now then you are both free to do so!. Just weigh the pros and cons for both of you!. Like in the last scene of Casablanca where sometimes one person has to do the right thing for the both of you!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com