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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life comes from life. Something had to first initiate this dominoe effect?

Question: Life comes from life!. Something had to first initiate this dominoe effect!?
So i was frying some eggs!. And then i realized!. Im eating this potential thing that will eventually turn into a chicken-life-!.!.!.But right now!.!.it just looks like its "lifeless" and like something inorganic!.

What are the theories as to how life began!. Is there any other way for life to come into existence without the help of something that is already existing!?

That really pose the question if a micro-organism can evolve into something so grand!. And i really doubt that a micro-organism can evolve and evolve until it reaches a human state of existence!. So it does imply some sort of life that we cant comprehend!.!.!.is the mother!.!.!.of what is here today!.

Can you give life to something!.!.using inorganic materials!? Like electricity and rocks!.!.!.!.you get the picture!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that just like you said " Life only comes from Life" meaning that yes there was a starting point for the creation of the universe!. I call this starting point God because if life only comes from life then it would take some being that's immortal and endless to create the entire cosmos because there would indefinitly be something before God if God was not eternal and beginning less and endless!. He is infinite!. Here's a word of advice, Science proves alot but it takes faith to prove some things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe is structured in such a way that life naturally arises!. Life is a property of our world, it is a self-organizing phenomenon!. If you put the right inorganic elements together, under the right conditions, you will find life coming into existence!. It is as natural as the oxygen in our air!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i personally put life down to god, things just seem to complex for me for it to be a random accident and i cant see how non living matter created living matter, i cant see how fish needed to go onto land then to evolve into all of these other creatures and eventually us, theory's like this just don't seem to work for meWww@QuestionHome@Com

the big nag theory is what first comes to mind!? true or not!.!. its what popped in my head first lol!. this is the entire debate betweenevolution and creation!. good luck in your soul searching!Www@QuestionHome@Com


What is life!?

I've said it before - Your body is a complex Machine, it functions just like one on a molecular scale!.

Energy cannot be destroyed!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are lots of theories about this!. I wont bore you with writing them here, but here is a great link: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Origin_of_l!.!.!.

Personally I like exo-genesis theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might want to wait to smoke pot until after you cook the food!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally believe that we were created by a God in some shape or form and my belief is Christianity!. My teacher said, when asked for his opinion on creationism, he said that we are a bit like his silver watch!. His silver watch is so complex and made from several different substances etc!. His watch didn't suddenly happen; it took someone to change the silver and other materials used in the making of his watch so as to have the final piece!. Life, and everything else for that matter, is similar!. We can't simply of happened, we need something to create us!. This is where a god comes in!. You can say that we came about through evolution and the "Big Bang" etc!. however that's a bit like the watch, yes!? We need a creator!. I don't know honestly, if I believe in creationism or evolution, I'm kinda undecided but I think I would probably go with creation!. I believe that if evolution is true, then God guided us through evolution, this is theistic evolution!.

Hope this helped!

Why do you doubt it!. Imagine the time line we're talking about!. If a fish can evolve in many hundreds of thousands of years to be able to walk on land, how come after millions of years a creature couldn't have evolved into a humanoid!. I certainly don't mean that this is correct, but it is impossible to doubt any theory at this point in our society, simply because we don't know enough to make any certain hypothesis!. What we can know is that in reality we are all stardust (Carl Sagan), we are all Carbon based life forms and if you break down everything we are made of to a molecular level!. Every compound can be found in Space in stars and other stellar objects!. So if they combined somehow to create life on a microscopic level, then yes somehow it is possible to give life to compounds of elements, perhaps not rocks, but, you understand!. Then again if life can form from compounds in the universe combining under the right circumstances why can't we have evolved from some strange microbial creature to what we are today!. This question will befuddle the human race for millenia to come!. Don't be surprised if you do not get a satisfying answer from Yahoo answers, nor should you take what someone says to you without having your own opinion first!. Thats all we can have on this subject!.!.!.opinions!. Hoped this was insightful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com