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Question: Plato - Meno, No one wants what is bad!?
OK so I am trying to write a paper defending Meno's position that no one wants what is bad!. They only desire what they believe is good!. I understand the concept, but I don't think I have enough info to turn it into a 500-1250 word paper!. Can you think of an example where someone is truly desiring what it bad!? Is there a website that discusses this and defends a position!? Do you have any suggestions that will help me to make this long enough!?

(When someone does a bad deed, they are not desiring the negative effects of the deed, but the ones that will benefit them, hence they believe it is good!. For example a smoker does not desire lung cancer, they smoke for the calmness it gives them or whatever the reason!. While they would recognize the negative effects come with it, this is not what they are really desiring!.)

This is a finals paper that is due tomorrow, I know I shouldn't have procrastinated, but I would appreciate any help =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would argue that most people want was is bad!. Evils and sins are tempting for a reason, regardless if you subscribe to a religion or not!. In fact, the mere failure of an individual to resist temptation makes all acts bad, regardless of the act!.

If we wanted what was good, there would be no bad in our world!. No one would act in ways that were bad!.

Yes, you are right!.!.!. people rationalize their own actions under the misconception of a "subjective morality"!. It relinquishes them from guilt, shame, and all negative burdens!. We rationalize our acts as virtues!.!.!. we never self-proclaim to be evil, we assume exceptions and caveats to moral rules that we fit neatly into!. We redefine morality on a whim to suit the situation in order to avoid the stigma of being wrong!.

That doesnt validate moral subjectivity, and it certainly doesnt make people good!.


What do you mean people want what is good!? If by 'good' you mean that which is most selfish and self-serving, then I would agree!. Just because something feels good or benefits the self or the ego doesnt make the act good!.

So what do you mean people want the good!? If you mean that people want to do what they want to do, regardless, without having to suffer the negative consequences of that act!.!.!. then you are right!. That is the essence of human rationalization, ignorance to consequence, refusal to accept burden!. This is PRECISELY what makes evil!.

Few people actually chose to do what they know is evil!. Instead of it being "evil", its a "good under subjectivism" or an "exception to the rule" or a "personal virtue"!. Few people chose to act to harm others!.!.!. but they neglect to consider the consequence of their self-serving acts on others!.


Is rape still wrong, even though the rapist receives pleasure from the act!? Or is the fact that he receives any pleasure make it all the more heinous!?

Do psychopathic murderers actually think that they are in the wrong while they are doing the act!? Im sure every criminal has a good reason!.

I know that is an extreme case, and an attempt to mock anyone who would associate positive feelings with intrinsic moral righteousness!.

But I dont get what sort of answer youre looking for, I think its fairly obvious that just because something is self-serving and creates pleasure for some doesnt make it right!.

I think we are agreeing with one another, but Im not sure!.

I like coffee!. Drinking coffee in and of itself isnt evil!. But my addiction to it is wrong!. I am shamed by my inability to resist it!. Chocolate, too!. I do think that acting irrationally because temptations override reason is evil!. Virtues and sins!.!.!. the seven deadly sins!.

The only thing that sets us apart from animals is our capacity to think and reason, to consciously override our own instincts!. Any and all acts are typically self-serving in some capacity!.!.!. but if that is an unwaivering truth for all people in all situations, regardless of the act or the consequences!.!.!. then those people are no better than an animal!.!.!. and are for all intensive purposes evil

Inconsiderate acts that are detrimental to others are obviously wrong!. But they dont have to be detrimental to others to be wrong!.!.!. they could just as easily hurt the self, physically or spiritually!. If it reduces you to "animalism", taking from your will, taking from your ability to decide for yourself!.!.!. then how is that any less self-detrimental!?


Advocate moral objectivity, if you cant write about anything else!. Demonstrate how moral subjectivist mentalities is detrimental to all of society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com