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Question: Love, chance and reincarnation!?
As I am studying philosophy in college right now, I still reserve in my heart some space for some common-folk thoughts like love at first sight!. After reading Schopenhauer's book on how love is base and mutual attraction mostly comes from sexual impulse, I still have a belief in spiritual love!. And there was a girl in my philosophy class last semester who seemed to have an interest in me and we did not have a chance to speak a word to each other but I accidentally ran into her in the school fitness center again this semester!. She works at the front desk and we both looked at each other in what seemed like a long gaze and then our faces dissolved into sweet smiles!. I have never had a girlfriend before but her smile just struck my heart!. She seemed to expect me to say something, but due to my shy nature, I could not pluck up my courage to talk to her!. I eventually left with a sense of loss and regret without finding out any information about her!. From what I knew about reincarnation in Buddhism, two persons who fall in love at first sight had a previous life lived together!. Could she be the one I am looking for and would chance bring us together again!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you know where she works on campus (front desk, school fitness center), you can assume she's like you, in terms of being grounded in real world, even as you do philosophy!.

If she had a choice of work, you could assume she prefers purity, as that is a good part of fitness!.

That you smiled at her (and she also smiled), indicates to her (who, being female, tends to be more alert and able to "read" such emotional aspects of being) that you notice her! She then probably picked up on your shyness, and may have subsequently thought how may a shy but interesting guy ever again cross my path!?

As a philosopher type, you could note "there is no chance," i!.e!., all is causality!.

So, would note for you: "For Men Only," Shaunti Feldhahn, "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and "Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon," O!. M!. Aivanhov!.

Read them, and recognize that your "shy nature" is actually a talking point!. I!.e!., why not be honest, walk up to her at her workstation, say "I'm shy, but (some words about how you feel toward her), so would you be open to having coffee/tea etc!. at (name place on campus, name time)!?" If she says yes, fine and dandy; if no, ask her for an alternative time, and/or ask her what time is convenient!.

At worst, she knows/learns that you find her attractive!. That doesn't hurt her, in fact it makes her feel better, so you like her!. so you've done her a favor, regardless of how she feels about you!.

Again, imo, if you are honest about your feelings from the start, you can say hi, I'm normally shy, but I like you/would like to get to know you more than I'm shying away from you!. Treat it as an experiment--being honest, aboveboard!. And, remember, a guy tends to prefer that the girl he's interested in to respect him even more than love him, the girl the complement (love even more than respect)!. So at least she'll respect you for being honest!. Being honest needn't mean confessing your full feeling or anything, btw, which could be awkward at first, or even scary!. But if you think she hasn't noticed you're more than average shy, you underestimate the female!. And, if you are able to admit you're somewhat shy, but would like to get together with her over coffee/tea etc!., that is actually positive for your own sense of self-worth/dignity, i!.e!., you're secure enough to say you're somewhat shy, and, for a shy person has stronger feelings to move over the shyness barrier, compliments her!. All truthful, too, which is so much better for relationships!. Only thing better is kind words, about 10-20 gemiome!. positive comments for every one constructive criticism, in terms of love and respect in a relationship!. also, girls tend to appreciate self-help books on relations far more than guys, so in the future a copy of Shaunti Feldhahn's "For Women Only" would likely be well-received, not to mention talking about same with her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is love!.

It is not the lack of courage which holds back youth it is fear!. Maturity is the control of fear, which is innate it is in us to fight or flight, when chosen is based on conditioning from experience!.

Life is about relationships and the measure of our success in maturity!.

Control your fears is to control your life!.

Reincarnation is based on ancient religions of regressions it is not a reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was young I did believe that too, but when I am getting old I notice that men fell in love at first sight more often, do you think in previous life he had many wives!? or he was a male rabbit!?, I am not sure but what I am sure now is your hormone is working because of its time to reproduce, do not rush, a lot of girls out there, you have millions chance to meet a lot more girls, then you may choose one you love most!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Find the courage that lies within you!. The past will not help in this!. You will find out more when you get to know her!.

If we are not with the one we are destined to be with, we are preparing for her!. Part of this preparation is courage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Schopenhauer's book on how love is based on mutual attraction that mostly comes from the sexual impulse!. That explains it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com