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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you scared about what will happen when you die?

Question: Are you scared about what will happen when you die!?
I believe in God like 100%!. That's what scares me though, I mean I am totally going to go to hell when I die!. I mean I'm usually a good person, but everyone does something they shouldn't now and again!. I don't feel bad for EVERY bad thing that I've ever done!. If you repent and feel bad for stuff you're forgiven, but what if you don't feel sorry about doing something, even if its just a little thing like being bitchy to someone!. If you don't feel sorry then God will know you're not really sorry even if you say you are, so like what's the point!?

Is anyone else scared about this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When i die i hope that there is a heaven and God will know that i have tried enough in my life to be a good person!. Nobody is perfect!. God knows that so be the best you can be and if you slip every now and then its ok!.
Dont fear the unknown look forward to finding out what it is when your time comesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all!.!.!.I don't believe in heaven or hell, god or the devil and all the rest of their hocus-pokus, fairies at the bottom of the garden crap!.
We are stardust in a biological form and eventually we will all become stardust again!.
I've always hoped that I will be a burst of energy and zoom around the universe for as long as I wanted !. Then to dream the dreams of time!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the point is you have no right to worry about the thing around when you die!that is the point!and if you have totally and actually have your self repented,then its what it is!.why even doubt about the things you have already raised up!that is i don't understand!.i mean i said too right,i can forgive but not easy to forget!and its that way!.
and if something has ever get back,to me,lets say!then its because i deserve that!.so lets just get real!.its human rays natures,so we are not animals,and must act like ones!.too!.then there will be no rist,for anybody!.when i die i will be smilling that is for sure!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe you go wherever you feel you deserve to go when you die!. If you believe in yourself, you will believe that you will go to heaven!. At the very least, hope that you will go to heaven, and it will manifest yourself!.

Death is the greatest adventure ever!. More than climbing Mt!. Everest, than diving to the deepest depths of the ocean!. It will be an amazing, eye opening experience!. There is no need to fear death =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No because God is Love and Love can't punish!. Love is 100% forgiveness 100% accepting!. All that is asked of you is to do your best, not be perfect!. If you are honest as you sound then God knows that maybe you are doing thing you are not too proud of but he knows your heart and knows deep down you want to do better but as you are human you get it wrong sometimes!. These are our human 'Defects' so what you should do is first be aware of them as you are and second ask God to change them!. In time He will!.(His Time not Yours)

god loves you and has forgiven you for all!. have you accepted him as your savior!? if so you have nothing to worry about!. there is absolutely things that everyone has done that they have not asked for forgivmess for!. there are things that we do not even realize yes !. jesus died on that cross and if you recieved him you are ok!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear of the unknown is common, but I don't obsess over it!.

I was sent here (thankfully) by the same benevolent source (hopefully) that will take me away!. I'm just trying to enjoy the ride!. I think you should, also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't fear what you are not certain of!. It doesn't matter if you don't feel bad for doing something a little wrong because when the time comes you might feel different!. In the mean time, try in make it up to someoneyou wronged!. Hope that helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Isn't religion wonderful!?

"I totally beleive in god and am scared to death of hell"!. Break free from the trap honey!. Dead is dead!. Lights out!. God is a scamWww@QuestionHome@Com

nope, I don't care- when I'm dead, I'm dead if something happens or doesn't- it doesn't- its not like we can do anything about it!. I'm an atheist!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I die, I'm dead!. Very glad I don't live my life in fear trying to please some god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no but i don't believe in god so i think when i die that's it i'm dead Www@QuestionHome@Com


Don't be afraid!. The life of the spirit is worth the effort!. Human beings feel all kinds of emotions and often we have feelings that disconcert us!. But love is not in feeling but in willing!. And willing is expressed in thinking and in doing!. Emotions come and go!. As one becomes closer to God, even then, one may have surprisingly 'negative' feelings!. The fact that you are concerned shows that your heart is in the right place!. Be not afraid!. Do good, avoid evil; deal with feelings often as if they were flies!. Love is in the will!. There is much more to know about this then this space allows!. God is not out to do you in, but rather to make you holy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well just live and do the best you can we're all screwed up and if there is a God I am pretty sure that person is aware of it!.!.!.!. every religion has some sort of terrible torturous place you will go to if you are not perfect when you die and will suffer in forever but no one knows which one is right so why over concern yourself the christian hell is pretty sick the hindu hell is pretty sweet which is the correct who knows but know this you will MOST CERTAINLY die and you will MOST CERTAINLY find out and it will most certainly be soon I dont mean tomorrow but I mean 80 or even 99 yrs of life is a finger snap amount of time on earth people of the old times were centenarians they lived long amounts of time we're not so lucky anymore with pollution, vaccinations gone wrong,unpure water, atmospherically diseased live stock and sea life, cancers, pandemics, mental disorders, unhealthy food distribution, tampered vegetation with chemicals, infertility life is being shortened and sometimes hindered by the seconds so just live and do the best you can god doesnt give out progress reports he trusts that if your doing your best then its really your best humans dont think godly they are harder on themselves than they should be God knows what you are capable of and what more difficult for you and he knows you better than you know yourself he knows where you belong its about whats in the heart not what your flesh causes you to do you are remorseful of what you do that is bad thats not a sign of a person hell bound evil people are lovers of evil they dont feel remorse or regret they dont try to change that doesnt sound like you!.!.!.dont beat yourself up because when its over its over!.!.!.!. we're all on our way out we are all in the process of dying so just act accordingly and go about your life until the fat broad hits that high note!.!.!.!.!. and when that hell finds you look it in the face and be able to say you MutherFu#ker I knew you were coming when I woke up this morning but I still got out of bed, dressed in my finest clothing, did my hair, had great sex,ate a big bowl of fattening cereal with huge smile on my face, then I went out my front door and grabbed the world by the balls for my final ride!.!.!. I may belong to heaven or hell who knows there may not be a heaven or a hell who knows but Not today!.!.!.Today while I'm alive I belong to life and thats where I am placing my bid for cartain happyness and if god will receive me I am his for the taking!.!.!.!. If not I am sorry but I tried my best, and I lived my life happily for the time I was in possession of it!.!.!.!. No regrets

"I will NOT worry about what will happen tomorrow because I have seen yesterday and it was just fine"

- UnknownWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are a good person already, like, a person of conscience, a person with good conscientious self, and a strong sense of right and wrong, and then you are concerned about others too!.

There is no death without life, but there can be life without death, as if there is God, and God is eternal, just as eternal is our sense of goodness then, this is also possible that a good life may be forever, in what state or form, once the present materialistic form is gone, we do not know, but this is in our mind!.

When we think about death, and try to imagine ourselves life hereafter, we in fact look into the life we have now!. This is like looking into a mirror, and a mirror, reflects only what is placed in from of it!. Then if we like to imagine a life after death to be a good life then we must place a good life as an example in front of the mirror of our mind now and here!. This we can see for ourselves as what kind of life we are leading right now!. We can look into our heart and mind and listen to the voice of our own conscience within!.

This you must also remember one need to be sensible too and know how good a person can be!. The world is full of great many sensible people, we can learn from them, and instead of falling into the traps of guilt we can learn fro our past actions and proceed to become better people in our own right, for this is the purpose of life, and the only way to make life a good life, worthy of the gift that it really is!.