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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you constantly read on the Sunday newspaper placards that there were "

Question: When you constantly read on the Sunday newspaper placards that there were "problems" with a computerization!?
project's software, did you wonder if "project review" and "program review" data were faulty !?

(Because wouldn't a proposed new system be able to regenerate itself from a legacy system plus feedback from "project review" and "program review" data !? So if there are problems, they can be solved using "project review" and "program review" data!. So if problems persist the implication is that "project review" and "program review" are for some reason not occurring!. )


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For some reason these problems seem to pop up randomly, not just in computers but mobile phones to are affected, I remember one month doing my usual list of best customers when one of the accounts had disappeared from the printout, then we received a payment from them which also alerted us to the problem, we backed up files everyday so where did the problem start, what caused it and how to fix it, it was the only account that it happened to as far as we know but things like this happen all the time, phones lighting up for no reason, numbers coming up private number sometimes and other times tells you who it is, gremlins at work, I think all programmes aren't completely bug proof as they are after all created by humans and unless they can think of every possiblity that the application can be used for then there is always room for errors! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Matrix film is based upon the current occurring phenomena!. Peer review and public opinion are controlled and manipulated and superficial!. Marketing contingents and subversives of the scheme are vetted and only those in opposition to the project are allowed to 'infer' any remarks regarding the project, flattering or ambiguously conniving!. This is largely caused by an arising tide of the CEO's participles warming to any component purporting to care or seeking to assist in the mortal extraction of the hapless CEO held within a web of its creators making!. You have obviously warmed to the tormentors speaking kindly of your tormented and irascible object of constant speculation!. Mission accomplished!. The opposition’s machinations and engineering worms bore into the inner sanctum of the project by means of ingratiation and placating noises!. Hence the complete devastation of the entire project from the outset!. The CEO's creator too, easily succumbs to such 'succubi' bias!.

The primary facility is control of the minds of the populace, rank and file!. The CEO’s right hand contingent has accessed all knowledge data and is a key figure is its failure to overcome inconsequentialities!. The project had faltered and was destructured from the outset and is now little more than a topic of speculation and controversy!. The extrication of the key pivotal figure would indeed cease all such further battling and destruction, this has not transpired for the aforementioned reasons!. The project software is heavily oversubscribed, and the battling shifts from one arena to the next with little change to impetus or plot!. The malicious and deceptive scheming of the self appointed arbiters should not be under any circumstances underestimated!. Post excessive noise making, we are required to see operations in action, if only a ceasement of the mental turmoil undergone daily by the CEO!. An increase in project living standards would also be an indicator of any goodwill from external so called friendly sources!.Www@QuestionHome@Com