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Question: Indian philosophy: Atman and Brahman!.!?
Atman means self and Brahman means (everything) thats great!.

Then why is Brahman is Atman!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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The philosophy is pointing out interconnectedness!. Science in its normal daily usage tends to focus on the diversity of the world, on opposites and how they interact; while philosophy tends to seek the clues for unity in the universe!. Indeed in science, cosmology, Quantum physics, and relativity areas there are scientists seeking to unify everything in a Unified Field Theory!.

That we are not separate from nature is a common idea and science agrees; but some go further in meaning to say that we are not separate parts within nature, but we Are nature itself!.

For you to be the same as the Universe around you there has to be a common factor!.
The universe can be seen with the everyday senses and mind to be composed of energy and various stages of matter!. In physics, as per Einstein, matter and energy have been shown to be interchangeable, in other words they are the same 'essence'!. All of you and all of the outside world is actually different forms or sculptures of energy!. The billions of events in Quantum Physics, the bending of space and time in Relativity/Cosmology, the working of nuclear weapons; all are experiments that prove this!.

It is interesting that Indian Philosophy has in some ways paralleled modern scientific ideas (or seems to)!. You may take Atman to mean your soul (or energetic essence); and Brahman, not a vague 'everything' , but the soul or energetic essence of everything, everything that your mind has separated (by a flimsy skin barrier) from the essence that is 'yourself'!.
Brahman is often considered to be the soul of God and you the soul of man!. The philosophy is saying that both are the same!. Not that you are 'God', as you look at yourself as a confined part, but that you are a soul as the Universe is a soul and one links to the other!. It follows therefore that, not one but both are holy, life is sacred and should not be wantonly killed!.

As the Universe is energy so it can be considered to be a soul!. You are not an isolated being but are composed of the substance of the Universe; you are energy also!. You are therefore never alone, nor 'different' but are a 'part', that is, you ARE of the whole, as there is no change in substance, only shape or appearance!.

Thou art That, is the saying!. Meaning thou, 'you' are THAT, That out there, meaning the soul of the Universe!. You are both One, or a Oneness!.

You will find a similar idea in the Bible, in the 'Logos', a Greek word which is an interesting conception of a many faceted idea!. Such as: like a star swirling round the centre of our galaxy, we are souls that once were a part of the God soul, separated into different forms but still energy or souls (In the beginning God made !.!. ), yet somehow remaining aware that we did once belong together and therefore hold deep in ourselves a 'memory', a sense of loss, and thence also a sense of longing!. Longing to merge again with God (a state called heaven)!.

Atman is Brahman!.
Who are you!?
You are That!.

Brahman is Atman!.
What is That!?
That is You!.

Together you both are One!.

First: the way to phrase it is this:
'The Atman is the Brahman!.'

Second: Brahman is not a concept of greatness, in the sense that 'I'm better than you are' (Mrs_g) but is rather the underlying reality of existence!. Brahman is a personification of that reality!.

So, a way to think of the idea might be something like this: The self that is your self is the same self that is god's self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to wonder why some folks need to feel superior to others!?
Because they aren't!.!.!.and any religion that promotes that thought must be demonic in origin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com