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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can one own that which the one will have to give up?

Question: How can one own that which the one will have to give up!?
Many claim to "own" this or that yet no one takes such with them when this present manifestation ends!.

Many are all too willing to fight and to die for that which they claim is theirs yest even ones physical form is surrendered to the grave or to the pyre!.

What do you or can you actually own!?

May it be well with you my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good question!.

I don't think we actually own anything, either tangible or otherwise!. I believe we are all on borrowed time anyway, for what purpose, it doesn't strictly matter to me!. I'm here to use what time is allowed as it most fits into my comfort levels!.

I don't think we own even our own thoughts!. Most often they aren't ours anyway, often being generated externally, and assumed or adopted by us!. Perhaps that might mean that in some way, we are all of a collective mind!?

Gentle paths,


ownership is never really a concrete state because everything changes!. your body changes, your mind changes and so do your possessions!. it may not seem like it now but in the end you will get everything you deserve, whether you seem to have lost it now or not!. The small triumph of physically claiming something can be, like all things, bad in large quantities, but it is the core of our existence as human beings!. most of spend a lifetime trying to live up to our own expectations, which we've purposely set so high that it would be impossible for anyone to reach--except us!. We think we know our inner strength but it is very varied in power and changing in shape which often offsets us, especially as kids!. what we think we own now contributes to the stick of achievements we have made!. it doesn't really mean they are obsolete when they are gone because you still have the memory and that is something that is very hard to get rid of, especially if it is significant to you!.
thanks, i hope you have a good day too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is sad that many people in the world believe only in the material and physical world!. You say that 'people's physical form is surrendered to the grave'!. Okay!. But there is far more to people than what you are writing here and you know it!.

Please stop trying to confuse people with questions like this!. Remember there are children and young people using this forum who do not understand what you are saying!. There is no need to be intimidating!.

u do not technically 'own' anything, because Jesus PAID for u with his blood! so there goes all your STUFF (oh!.!.and money! all of that is HIS!), ur physical body (which will die and go to the grave and rot!)!.

ur entire being, including ur soul all belongs to HIM, so one can not technically 'own' anything since it was all bought for a price by Jesus when he was on the cross! one must give up his entire life, and hand it over to Jesus (since He already owns it anyway!)!. that being said, may u and yours one day see the light, WAKE UP, and repent!


Possession is an attribute of the "self"!. The self exists while we are alive and it has been quite good at even extending its control of goods and wealth after its death through out human history by directing inheritance, especially to first born males!.

You own what you possess and then some!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I shall answer with a question!. How can one truly own any thing when the government puts a tax on you for owning it!? I own a car but can do nothing with it unless I pay the governments annual tax, the same could be said for property!.

But alas even our body is on borrowed time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ommmmmmm !. !. !. :)

You can own (for life on Earth) anything you've paid off! :-D

You can own your responsibilities!.

The spirit and soul I've given to Jesus Father God, so those things are His!.

The heart I'm donating (along with the liver, kidneys, whatever else is needed)!. :-DWww@QuestionHome@Com

You are only tending the objects you keep around you!. They have their own meaning and you are their caretaker!. Do a good job and pass them on to those who will also appreciate their gift to the world!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's called "revenge"!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You own your memories!. Because in fact no one can take them away; except yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

I own that which I have produced!. The efforts of my labor, the efforts of my creativity, the product of my inventiveness is mine, to do with what I please!. Ownership implies entitlement!. Entitlement may be transferred!. The thief takes that which he is not entitled to!.

The result of my productivity is mine, and I have the right to dispose of it as I please!. I may choose to trade it for somebody elses productivity, to our mutual enrichment!. My house, my clothes, my food, the technology I surround myself with, is mine!. I have either produced it myself, or freely traded that which I have produced to acquire these things!.

Yes, my ownership has an expiration date, assuming I don't live forever, but while I am in legitimate possession of these things, they are mine to dispose of as I please!. If I choose to burn my house to the ground, it's mine, and no one can say I can't!. As long as I don't make an insurance claim, I have broken no laws!.

Yes, I am willing to fight -- and to die -- for that which is mine!. This is mine by the effort that _I_ made, no one elses!. No one gave me any of this, I produced it, and for the thief, the robber to take it from me is to deny me that which allows me to live!. The right to private property is the most fundamental right of humanity!. To abridge that right is to deny humans control of their very lives, for a person's life is based on their ability to produce!. If you claim a right to a person's production you have made that person a slave!.

The history of the last 100 years shows us the sad result of what removing the right to personal property leads to: 40 million dead in the Soviet Union!. 60 million dead in Mao's cultural revolution!. 2 million dead in Cambodia!. Misery on a scale never seen before!.

I will fight and die to preserve my life!. I will fight and die to preserve my freedom -- and yours, for if yours is challenged, then everyone's is!. To do this means I must fight and die to preserve the right for you and I to control the product of our effort!.

Wow!. Looking at these answers is SCARY! Don't they teach anything in school these days!? ALL of you! Go get a copy of "Wealth of Nations" and READ it! This sort of thinking leads to dictatorship and slavery!Www@QuestionHome@Com