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Position:Home>Philosophy> When people say "believe in yourself"...what exactly do they mean ?

Question: When people say "believe in yourself"!.!.!.what exactly do they mean !?
like what exactly are youu supposed to believe in and how do you do it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It might mean that you should "trust" yourself!. So trust your own intuition, your wishes, your dreams, your insights and follow them!. Every person is unique and different from others!. So if you would only listen to other peoples opinions and ideas and not listen or believe in yourself, you would live another persons life, whereas your soul has a certain purpose it wants to fulfill and in that your soul will always guide you to your true path!. If you ( your personality) does not listen to what your soul wants to tell you, you feel a conflict between yourself, so your soul and your personality, and this will bring you sadness or unhappiness as you are not living in accordance with your spiritual core!. Many people let themselves disturbed on their life path from other peoples opinion, from the media or ideas which are not for them but only for the other!. They let invade these influences into their own space, instead of setting limits to foreign ideas with a friendly and gentle attitude!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the expression "believe in yourself" refers to having confidence in your skills, abilities, and the potential you have to contribute to others!. I think that a person needs to acknowledge their own strengths and not allow themselves to be defined by their weaknesses!. It is also the ability to set goals and work towards them in an organized manner!. I think a person needs to reflect on their works and look for ways to improve themselves without being over critical of their own actions!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Understand yourself and you will be able to understand the basics of human life!. You are your own personal experiment!. The results, or answers, are pouring out of you constantly: in all your experiences!. Make sure you observe them and analyse them, and make a database of knowledge!.

"Believe in yourself" means understand and accept who you are!. Once you have done this, you can work with it!. Otherwise it would be like taking a long journey across the desert without any knowledge of car mechanics, where 'journey' = 'life' and 'car mechanics' = 'humanity'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People use this term way too much for no reason!. Its basically for those people who beat themselves up for no reason!. Believing in yourself means being confident but not over confident!. Being able to go with ur instincts and not giving up on what u want to do in life!. But 'believe in yourself' doesn't mean that u can go about doing something that can hurt u or others!. It's about confidence and faith in what u believe!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have some faith in yourself!.

Repeat yourself that

You are a good person!.
You are a lovely person!.
You will eventually achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve!.

You are a strong person!.
Nothing will get you down!.
Nobody can touch you!.

You are a strong person!.
You are a fighter!.
You are a winner!.


each of us has a light within ourselves!. when you believe in yourself, you make that light shine and you will have the strength to go!.

everytime you hear someone say that, remember that that light is always inside of you and you are the one who can really make it shine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That means sit your *** down and start believing in the voice in your head, which is really yourself, that tells you something that you know is sensible and wise!. The only reason you don't hear it, is because you spent your life not listening to yourself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

For many people, it's extremely important to know that you are a righteous person with good and loving motives!. Believing in yourself is part of being true to yourself and to the rest of the world!. That's your purpose for being alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, helps explain one's Presence as source of Self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com