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Position:Home>Philosophy> Doesn't freewill and determinism negate predestination and possibly Christia

Question: Doesn't freewill and determinism negate predestination and possibly Christianity!?
I was thinking about how Judas and Pontius Pilate killed Jesus and in doing so fulfilled Jesus' fate!. As God's son, he was supposed to be killed and die for humanity's sins, or there would be no Christianity today, correct!? So then doesn't that mean it is apart of a grand scheme of destinies set in stone since the beginning of time!? Writing this question is apart of my destiny if the logic is correct!.

God orchestrated the whole crucifixion of Christ so that humans would have a reason to know his ideals and such!. But the fact that I can sit here and question could point to the fact that predestination does not truly exist and either free will or determinism, do exist!. If this does not in a way disprove Christianity, it atleast casts doubt upon the actual fates of Pilate and Judas!. They would have merely been tools used by God to advance the ideology of Christianity!. And yet they are both looked down upon and seen as burning in hell when they are brought up!.

Agree!? Disagree!? Do Christians actually question this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When people say "Correct" after making their statement it usually means they don't want to be contradicted, correct!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why waste your time contemplating possible religious scenerios!? You are obviously intelligent, so why not follow the real truth of science!? But if there is a God, would it not want us to question our place in the universe and gain more knowledge with each generation!? We, as a race, have been learning and growing in leaps and bounds!. I believe that it is time to grow away from those biblical stories and focus on current events!.
To answer your question; yes!. We have the intelligence and therefore, free will to question things and shape our history!. We are not mere sheep anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you get excited when watching Star Wars, even though you the ending has already been determined!. What if I question whether the rebels can actually escape the Death Star!. Does that make choice possible!? Can the movie end differently because I can question it!? God puts our questions and situations in our lives!. We are invested in our life choices AS IF we were making them because WE don't know how they will work out!.

Determinism is not really very complicated!. Free will on the other hand is a bleeding wound of contradictions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com