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Position:Home>Philosophy> What should i include in a philosophical speech about what god is?

Question: What should i include in a philosophical speech about what god is!?
I am doing an assembly, and i was just wondering what you would recommend including in it!?
stuff that will make students really think, and leave the hall scratching their heads!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
for me, I would make a compare between the religions all around the world and through the old history tell now, for example talk about Muslims, Christians and Jews and compare between them as a holy Books Holders and between the Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoolatry, satanism, heathendom and ophiolatry!.

the compare will be about how does the Holy Books holders believe in GOD and the others are not etc!.

NOTE: In philosophical speech, just use your Imagination, try to confuse the person in front of you, but not your self, so when you talk about something be sure that if anyone asked you anything about this topic that you gona answer it!.

Cheeeeeeeeers :) and good luck


how about why it's needed for there to be a possibility of a god just to prevent world chaos!. If we knew for sure there wasn't a god, there would be no reason not to kill or rob or maime,etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

G-d is that something extra in all living things that makes them living things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is the most powerful Love in the universeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really need to know your side!. Do you believe or do you not believe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com