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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can one recognize their eternal self in this life?

Question: Can one recognize their eternal self in this life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!.This is called Self Realization!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The commenest example wise people give to understand this is about people like us searching for our eye glasses elsewhere while all the time this has been on your head just above the forehead!
We know that we need to know that eternal self and we are looking all over the place for it!. Little do we realise that it is with us and in us all the time!.
This is due to the fact that we are too used to using the 5 external sense organs to understand the world!. But these sense organs cannot help us at all in understanding our self!. So what do we do!? How do we realise this Hide & seek game!? Only by seeking the help of a good teacher!. Then you can realise your eternal self in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most certainly -- it is the objective of the words, "Know thy self!." One is to be born into this Greater Self while they are alive -- it is only in this time, where all the conditions are available for transformation are provided!. Or else it is like making a child without other half equation!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've heard of people being able to do so but for each individual it is going to be different!.
Perhaps we see it everyday but we don't know what we're looking at, or that with which we are seeing it is obscuring the view somehow!.


Yes it can be done by taking account of your life here and then putting it through the test of the knowledge left to you by your Lord!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


No, self means within!. I can only recognize my own?Www@QuestionHome@Com
