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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is our role in the universe?

Question: What is our role in the universe!?
what is the role in the universe and how is human freedom responsible for whether or not we fulfill that role well!? How can we use the first and second creation story to back this up!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First ask yourself what is your role in your family and society!. You are at once a son , or a duaghter, a father or mother , a spouse , a sibling, a friend !.!.!.!.!.!. There are any number of roles that you play constantly and side by side!. Your role at your work place as a boss does not continue at home!.!. How beautifully you arrange yourself to play each role!?

Just an expansion of this role is your role in the universe and for the universe !. Think deeply what roles do these rivers , plants , animals and mountains !.!. etc!. play!. Are they in harmony or at variance with nature!? You need not worry about glaciers breaking in Icelad!. You worry about the deforestation in your land!. If you touch one part of the earth anywhere you are touching the whole earth!. If you have to touch your body where will you touch!? Anywhere!. So is the universe !. You can touch anywhere and be touched by the universe!. You choose the role !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First you have to ask what universe really is!. If you can answer that you can asnwer this question, but still other question arises:

What do you mean by role!?
1) What should people do!.
2) What is the meaning of life besides survival (!?)
3) What is the meaning of our life and does it mean more then we think!?

Isnt the meaning it self the product of our own intellect!? If I say math is not important and ignore it would it not make me mathematicaly incopetent!. Then again IF I say math is important and so is all other knowledge, I would study, would that not make me more intelligente therefore able to understand more things!? We assigne meaning to things accordingly to our own needs!. If I like the taste of chocolate, it becomes important!. If its prize is too high and I cant afford it, its existence is meaningless unless I can get it or afford it again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have no role to play, there is no grand plan!. We are here to reproduce and ensure the survival of our species, it's that simple!.

Stop looking for some great meaning to life, you are no different from any other animal, you are here to have sex and make babies!.

The universe will continue regardless of whether humanity exists or not!.
