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Position:Home>Philosophy> What were the contribution of Aristotle to Taxonomy?

Question: What were the contribution of Aristotle to Taxonomy!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
His taxonomic contributions are everywhere!. We could not escape them if we wanted to, but we do not want to!. They are invaluable to us!.

"With the diagnosis schizophrenia used as an example throughout, the fourth edition ofthe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders's (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) approach to psychopathologic taxonomy is subjected to critical analysis as representing a fundamentally Aristotelian conception of the phenomena of mental disorders!."

Aristotle can come 2500 years through the sapient nature of man's mind, to reach even such a modern science as Psychiatry!

He even reaches into the nature of Naturalism, covered in my own site!.
My site: Thank you very much for looking at it!. http://freeassemblage!.blogspot!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

To Aristotle we can attribute the basis for an idea often called "The Great Chain of Being!." Other names for the same idea are "Ladder of Life" and "Scala Naturae!." This was a try at the development of a kind of classification, or taxonomy!. Aristotle was attempting to make sense of the relationships among living things!.

His idea was that all species could be placed in order, from the "lowest" to the "highest," with worms on the bottom and you-know-who on the top!. In Aristotle's view, the universe was ultimately perfect, and that meant that the Great Chain was also perfect!. That meant that there were no empty links in the chain, and no link was represented by more than one species!.