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Position:Home>Philosophy> Love and strife philosophy of empedocles

Question: Love and strife philosophy of empedocles
can you please summarize it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"We can trace the history of one cycle, beginning with the point at which all the elements are united, completely intermingled and motionless under the total domination of Love!. Then Strife enters and begins to separate the elements out, until finally all the elements are completely separated into distinct, self-contained masses of fire, air, earth and water!. At this point, Love begins to unite the elements until, once again, they are completely intermingled and another cycle begins!. In each half of the cycle, as the separation or unification proceeds, there is a cosmogony (generation of a cosmos or ordered world) and a zoogony (generation of animals)!. In the first half-cycle, under the increasing influence of Strife, a cosmos and then animals come to be!. In the second half, under the increasing influence of Love, again a cosmos and animals come to be!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

"We can trace the history of one cycle, beginning with the point at which all the elements are united, completely intermingled and motionless under the total domination of Love!. Then Strife enters and begins to separate the elements out, until finally all the elements are completely separated into distinct, self-contained masses of fire, air, earth and water!. At this point, Love begins to unite the elements until, once again, they are completely intermingled and another cycle begins!. In each half of the cycle, as the separation or unification proceeds, there is a cosmogony (generation of a cosmos or ordered world) and a zoogony (generation of animals)!. In the first half-cycle, under the increasing influence of Strife, a cosmos and then animals come to be!. In the second half, under the increasing influence of Love, again a cosmos and animals come to be!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

"We can trace the history of one cycle, beginning with the point at which all the elements are united, completely intermingled and motionless under the total domination of Love!. Then Strife enters and begins to separate the elements out, until finally all the elements are completely separated into distinct, self-contained masses of fire, air, earth and water!. At this point, Love begins to unite the elements until, once again, they are completely intermingled and another cycle begins!. In each half of the cycle, as the separation or unification proceeds, there is a cosmogony (generation of a cosmos or ordered world) and a zoogony (generation of animals)!. In the first half-cycle, under the increasing influence of Strife, a cosmos and then animals come to be!. In the second half, under the increasing influence of Love, again a cosmos and animals come to be!."Www@QuestionHome@Com