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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has evolution been proven to be a fact?

Question: Has evolution been proven to be a fact!?
Can science show us without a dought that evolution is a fact!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would think so!. How can you not believe in evolution with all the facts that Science has dug up!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate that phrase "proven fact"!. I guess with some people they don't take it too seriously but I always think this phrase is too strong, like it's some truth that just can't be argued with by anybody, like "god has just spoken and here's what he said"!.
I used to believe in this when I was younger but now I realize how fuzzy things are!. Sure, evolution is plausable, and even demonstrated to small degrees, like bacteria adapting to the presence of antibiotics!. It seems likely natural selection and genetic mutation play a role in species changing over time!. But I still find it a stretch to have something like your eye develop in this way!. I don't know!. I don't think the present theory is wrong, just needs to be expanded!. Kind of like Newtons laws of motion weren't wrong, just needed expanding!. We don't have the whole story yet!. Like now they're disocvering the eppi-genome, which plays a role in resistance to disease and is passed along from generation to generation and can actually be altered during one's lifetime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution is denied to prop up our out dated religious teachings!. There is no question that God is the creator!.

The truth is not unreasonable considering current scientific knowledge!. None of this discounts the fact that God is the creator of all that is created!. It does tell us though God does not creat all that is created!.

Man did not evolve from some lower animal!. Animals are a cousin to man!. Mans form came into being by a mutation process as did fruits, grasses, and cereals which were abundant, and these seed-bearing grasses and trees were to the plant world what the ancestors of man were to the animal world--they were second in evolutionary importance only to the appearance of man himself!. Suddenly and without previous gradation, the great family of flowering plants mutated!.
Note: Urantia an ancient name for Earth!.


P!.700 - §3 1,000,000 years ago Urantia was registered as an inhabited world!. A mutation within the stock of the progressing Primates suddenly produced two primitive human beings, the actual ancestors of mankind!.
P!.700 - §4 This event occurred at about the time of the beginning of the third glacial advance; thus it may be seen that your early ancestors were born and bred in a stimulating, invigorating, and difficult environment!. And the sole survivors of these Urantia aborigines, the Eskimos, even now prefer to dwell in frigid northern climes!.
P!.700 - §5 Human beings were not present in the Western Hemisphere until near the close of the ice age!. But during the interglacial epochs they passed westward around the Mediterranean and soon overran the continent of Europe!. In the caves of western Europe may be found human bones mingled with the remains of both tropic and arctic animals, testifying that man lived in these regions throughout the later epochs of the advancing and retreating glaciers!.

PAPER 62 - THE DAWN RACES OF EARLY MAN Page 703Www@QuestionHome@Com

Processes of evolution and evolutionary theory have been proven!. Look at moths in Russia that adapted by changing color from white to black through a few generations-this is evolution!. However, the theory of all living beings evolving from one ancestor has not been proven!. The evidence is extremely strong though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it is a theory, it can never be "proven" in the way you're thinking!. But it is an extremely well-tested and reliable theory, from which good and testable hypotheses can be formulated!. It is pretty much as close to fact as theory can come!.

Gravity, after all, is also a theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientist continually force evolution on microbes, insects, and rodents by modifying their genes and allowing those with the desired traits to live and reproduce so that their offspring also have those traits!. Farmers have been doing this for milenia with plants and livestock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, and it never will be!. because evolution is made up!.
It's a theory and always will be a theory!.

Edit: some people confuse evolution with the inbuilt ability to adapt!. Adapting does not create new species!. Each species although it may demonstrate some changes due to adaption it remains a species "after its own kind"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They try, but there are too many gaps and missing links!. I believe we are not evolved enough to be capable of finding everything we need to prove even our own beginnings, let alone anything else!.

OR, it could be that someone somewhere DOES know everything, and also knows we could never handle the truth!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The DNA evidence alone establishes evolution as a fact!. The "theory" is about *how* evolutions happens, not *whether* it happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure!. Many types of bacteria become resistant to vaccines because they evolve in a way that makes them stronger!. They have evolved to survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is an idea such as every thing else we think we know!. The evidence of things is left up for interpretation but there is only one truth and that is that all truths are but half truths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but adaptation can be proven!. Www@QuestionHome@Com