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Position:Home>Philosophy> Define. Scientific VS Art.

Question: Define!. Scientific VS Art!.
These two elements have been contrary since many centuries!. Please define how do you compare and contrast these two elements!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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The easiest way to describe science is as whatever is produced by using the scientific method!. This is a process founded principally upon objective measurement!. Something is objective if it doesn't matter who does it, where, or when, as long as the correct steps are followed in the production and observation of the phenomenon!. And this requirement of being objective is actually a pretty strict one!.

One example of such is that it usually requires some kind of constant, external reference point!. You can't just say, "Does it take a long time for the bus to arrive!?" - different people have completely different ideas of what a long time is!. Instead, you use some kind a timepiece so that anyone who measures with a correct timepiece will get the same answer!.

Both science and philosophy have another characteristic that can differentiate them from other pursuits: they try to be useful and add to or correct the total of human knowledge!. Thus new philosophies tend to replace - or at least elaborate on - the old!. Argument and peer review are considered essential in both, and even philosophers tend to consider ideas which cannot possibly ever be falsified as belonging more to the realm of fiction writers than actual philosophy!.

Art, on the other hand, may attempt to outshine other art, but each piece is still valid in its own way!. You cannot refute the Mona Lisa - that's a non-sequitur!. Nor can there ever be a 'perfect' cake!. Different people like different things and different formulations serve different purposes!. This kind of view is unacceptable for science!.

Outside of that, art has other definitions, many of which are contentious!. It is usually regarded as an attempt at a kind of communication!. Which is an important thing to note!. Science's emphasis of objectivity and accumulation also require a lot of communication!.!.!. and sometimes one of the best ways to do that is through an artistic medium!. And conversely, as science provides new tools and new ways of looking at the world, there are also new things to communicate about!. So it can certainly be the case science and art are very closely wedded and not opposed at all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Science deals with facts and that makes it objective!. Art deals with perceptions, which makes it subjective!. Both can depict the beauty in the world but in very different ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are not elements!. and this is not a question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com