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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does it bother you that we know so little about life

Question: Does it bother you that we know so little about life
Think about it!.!.!.we have no idea about the universe at all, and its mind blowing just to come up with theories 'god created it blah blah' sure that could be the case, but if you truely think about life/after life (if there even IS one) or just how we got here!.
no one truely knows the answer!.
doesn't it bother you just a little!? don't you just want to know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It bothers me a little, yes, but I try not to think about!. I focus on what's important now!. I also have my own theories that I use for me and only me!. I think that's the hard part about being human!. We're smart enough to know that there's is somthing around us but not smart enough to figure it out!. Perhaps one day we will learn the truth, but probably not in our life time!. People us to believe in many gods then one god now people are even questioning that!.

And for the afterlife, well again I have my own ideas but just incase there isn't anything after I make the most of what I have becuase this could very well be all we get!.

I would want to know but at the same time I enjoy wondering and dreaming because my dreams of the univers and afterlife could be better than the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think its funny how ignorance can cover up such avid truth!. You say,"God created!.!.!." but instead of giving this credit, you go into biased territory and dismiss it as something that couldn't explain, what it already has!.

So I don't think it WOULDN'T be natural to find oneself worried about not knowing the truth, because you have already passed it up!. When driving to a friends house out of state(for the first time)I had to follow a map!.It led me to an area where it said to turn right at a place 50 miles away from the exit!.(it is a very long road) I tried to remember what my friend said it would look like!. (it was an unnamed hidden drive) I found it interesting that when I came to about the point he said a road would be I thought,"No, that couldn't be right!." (because it isn't at all what I thought it would like) An hour and a half later, I found myself having a sinking feeling in me,"Will I find this, are there any roads not listed in this map!?" Only after talking with a local, did I find that I had indeed passed my target many miles back!. And all because I dismissed what was in plain sight, only because it didn't fit with what "I" thought it should have been!. Never dismiss what is right in front of you, never throw solid instruction aside only because it doesn't "fit" with what you "feel" the truth is, the road I passed, was the correct road, even if it didn't look like it to me!.

We know lots about the universe!. And everyday we're learning more!. Scientists are working hard to discover the mysteries of the cosmos and the origin of life, and I have no doubt that we will someday succeed!. Saying God created it is to say absolutely nothing!. However, scientists are very close to knowing exactly what occurred in the first second of the Big Bang (10 millionth of a second to be exact)!. There is still a lot we don't know, that is true, but look at how much we've learned in the last two centuries!. If you researched any of this you would learn the glorious things science has taught us and where it is headed in the future!.

And yes, I just want to know!. Thankfully brilliant men and women around the world are trying their hardest to find the answers!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a good example of not knowing what lies ahead it is an example of assuming you cannot know!.

I'm here to let you know that all of your questions can be answered by reading THE URANTIA BOOK, on line if you want but if it is to complex for that!.

If you wish to buy the book it is about 12 to 15 dollars at Amazon!.com


"Man possessed a religion of natural origin as a part of his evolutionary experience long before any systematic revelations were made on Urantia!." Note: Urantia an Ancient name for Earth!.

Page 1008 #5 " The Urantia Papers!. The papers, of which this is one, constitute the most recent presentation of truth to the mortals of Urantia!. These papers differ from all previous revelations, for they are not the work of a single universe personality but a composite presentation by many beings!. But no revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete!. All other celestial ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and practically adapted to local conditions in time and space!. While such admissions as this may possibly detract from the immediate force and authority of all revelations, the time has arrived on Urantia when it is advisable to make such frank statements, even at the risk of weakening the future influence and authority of this, the most recent of the revelations of truth to the mortal races of Urantia!."

I believe that God created the heavens and the earth!. I believe that if you accept Jesus as your savior and lord, you are going to heaven and if you do not, you are going to hell!. But you are right, I could be wrong!. Maybe I am brainwashed and live in an un real world, but if I am wrong and when I die I become nothing, then what have I lost!? Nothing!. If I die and I am Right, I gain the Glory of heaven!. Does it bother me that no one knows the answer of life!? That no one is sure about how life is really meant to be or what is supposed to happen!? No, I am not!. It doesn't bother me!. I just keep living the way I believe I am supposed to live and when I die, I'll know what the true meaning of life was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowing an answer is not necessarily a good thing!. If people knew the answer then there would be no need for Faith!. All religions have tried to answer this question, accepting their answers is where Faith is needed!. Suppose for instance we could prove God, the afterlife or eternity of spirit, through a mathematical proof!. Well then high level math experts would be able to see the truth, but us layman would still have to accept on faith what they deduced!. The same is true of religious people!. They must accept on faith what their prophets say!. Whether Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed, The masses still have to accept on faith what these prophets have seen!. About %90 of the world population believes in some sort of afterlife so each man must answer the question for himself!. We never truly know anything, we just have a strong probability of truth in all things!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's horrible when we dwell too much on the subject!. I think the only thing we can do is live life out to our best extent!. There will always be questions that cannot be answered!. And perhaps these questions are best when remained unanswered!. Where will the joy be in life if there was a solution/answer to everything!? Sure, you may like it, but in a little while, that type of existence will be a bit boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on this very subject socretes said!.!.!.

"as for me, all I know is that i know nothing"

"i am the wisest man alive, for i know one thing, and that is that i know nothing"

so in what he was saying was that he knew his limits as a human being and with that being said it's ok to not know all the answers to our big questionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. We'll never get too much or too little in knowing life or our life!. Its all about how u see things in life and how u treat ur life!. We'll never know the minimum or the maximum of life, coz we dont have standards about it!. So why would u feel bothered!? Its all about how u fit in the life given to u, not how they fit in u!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Quite the opposite actually, it thrills me!. What an opportunity for us!. We have the chance to contribute a grain of wisdom or knowledge, something that wouldn't be possible if we knew everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

watch the series by carl sagon The Cosmos
if you want to have an idea about the universe Www@QuestionHome@Com

ignorance is bliss

you're just asking for itWww@QuestionHome@Com

i need to dry my panties and eat some nipples and drink some men milk !.!.

Wat the hell is life !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.'

Get a life u dough bag !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your assuming know one knows, but there are souls in the world that do know, only they find humanity not to their liking and stay at a distance working on higher planes to help with preserving creation!. You can go to India, where they live mostly, and try to find them!. They are at different levels of knowing!. There are always 5 perfect masters, or God realized beings who are both conscious of God and the illusory world in which we live, but you would have a hard time finding them!. It's more that they will find you when you're ready!. I knew of THE perfect master, or the Messiah, who had this to say about creation!.

This is a synopsis of a book entitled "God Speaks!." The book was written in 1955 by Meher Baba and explains the meaning of life!.

Life is a journey that God is traveling!.

The first phase of God's journey is evolution!. It is initiated from a totally unconscious God as if an infinite Ocean of Knowledge, Power and Bliss were in a state likened to deep sleep!. This unconscious God speaks the First Word "Who am I!?"!. This question disrupts the limitless, undivided, absolute vacuum, and its reverberations create individualized souls, compared to drops or bubbles within the Ocean!. By speaking the First Word, God establishes the process of Creation, in which he assumes evolving forms to gain increasing consciousness!.

Individuality is the vehicle of this quest!. Evolution marks a series of temporary answers to "Who am I!?" The soul traverses a multitude of forms, beginning with simples gases and proceeding slowly through inanimate stone and mineral forms!. These early evolutionary stages obviously have only the most rudimentary consciousness and cannot provide a satisfactory answer to God's original question!.

The original query thus provides a continuing momentum for the drop soul to develop new forms each with greater consciousness, including the many plant and animal beings!. Every evolutionary kingdom reveals new dimensions of consciousness and experience!. Each also offers opportunities to gain different kinds of awareness!. For example, when the soul identifies itself with varied species of fish, it experiences the world as a creature living in water conversely, as a bird, it enriches its consciousness by flying through air!.

When the drop soul finally evolves to human form, consciousness is fully developed, but an individual is still not aware of the potential of his or her consciousness!.

So the original "Who am I!?" imperative persists and inaugurates the second phase: reincarnation!. Since consciousness is fully developed, there is no longer a need for evolving new forms!. The individual's experience, gathered in early stages of evolution, is now humanized and expressed in countless lifetimes!. The impulses gained in sub-human forms can play themselves out in the broader context of intelligence, emotions, choices, diverse setting and interactions with people!.

But obviously no single lifetime can bear the burden of "humanizing" the entire evolutionary inheritance randomly or simultaneously!. There must be a method for re-experiencing the pre-human legacy in manageable segments!. The soul thus experiences alternately a series of opposites, organized according to themes!. Accordingly, in different lives, the soul becomes male and female, rich and poor, vigorous and weak, beautiful and ugly!. Through exploring the potential of these many opposites, one eventually exhausts all possible human identities and, therefore, has fully learned the entire range of human experience!.

Here begins the third phase: involution, the process by which the soul returns to the full awareness of the Divine Force, which created him!. As Meher Baba puts it, "When the consciousness of the soul is ripe for disentanglement from the gross world (the everyday world of matter and forms), it enters the spiritual path and turns inward!."

Like evolution, involution has certain states and stages, consisting of "planes" and "realms!." But individuality continues along this spiritual path, and there are as many ways to God as there are souls!.

Each new plane denotes a state of being that differs from the states that proceeded it!. The first three planes are within the subtle world or domain of energy, "pran!." There follows the fourth plane, the threshold of the mental world, where misuse of great power for personal desire can lead to disintegration of consciousness!.

The fifth and sixth planes represent true sainthood, which is understood to be increasing intimacy with God as the Beloved!. On the sixth plane, the mind itself becomes the inner eye that sees God everywhere and in everything!. "The loving of God and the longing for His union," says Meher Baba "is fully demonstrated in the sixth plane of consciousness!."

The seventh plane marks true and lasting freedom!. Impressions go!. Duality goes!. The drops burst and again become the Ocean!. God answers his question of "Who am I!?" with "I am God!." The Infinite has returned to the original starting point!. He now knows, however, with full consciousness and full awareness that he was, is and always will be infinite with infinite Knowledge, Power and Bliss!. And he realizes that the entire journey has been an illusory dream, the purpose of which is the full awakening of his soul!.
