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Position:Home>Philosophy> So athiests how did the world begin, what gave this world life, prove to me thei

Question: So athiests how did the world begin, what gave this world life, prove to me their is no God!?
Your theory holds up even less then our belief of God!. Their has to be a starting point somewhere that started everything, its either a divine force with the power to create even if you could call it something else than God, but a world from nothing and made by no one is exactly the lies people believe!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am no athiest! I believe in God!

The thing I don't get is WHY do athiests believe in the Big Bang Theory!? Just keep on asking them, "What created that!?"!. My priest did that to my class last year and we eventually led up to the conclusion that it couldn't exist!. If a massive explosion happened, who/what caused the explosion!? If it's gases or matter or whatever, who created the gases or matter!?


Actually, the way argument works is that if you believe in something, the burden of proof is on *you* to show that it exists!. It isn't even possible to prove that something doesn't exist!.

I don't believe in God because there is no evidence of his existence!. You may as well believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, because there is exactly as much evidence for his existence!.

I don't claim to know how the universe began or where we came from, and you're only fooling yourself by believing that *you* do!.

Edit: scientists don't know what caused the Big Bang - but just because we don't know doesn't mean we won't *ever* know, nor does it mean that God is automatically the reason!. Playing with a "God of the gaps" is a dangerous game, because those gaps may be filled at any time!.!.!.

Edit 2: And the idea that there is no man in the clouds telling you how to live is absolutely terrifying for you, isn't it!? Morals are not divinely revealed, they are standards that we have created and revised over time in order to live cooperatively, since man is a social creature and must get along with his fellows!. Suffering exists because men can be selfish and cruel, and for no other reason!. Well, suffering *also* exists because people like yourself believe that they have a priviliged relationship with God, and that He has told them the *true religion*, which always seems to involve killling heathens and unbelievers!.

A rudimentary understanding of natural science and evolution would prevent you from believing that the natural world is evidence of God!. Do you have any idea some of the pointless and wasteful processes that occur in the universe, the dead galaxies, the barren planets, and the vestigial evolutionary leftovers that so many animals have!? Take your tailbone, for instance!. It used to be a tail!. Do you know what it's good for now!? Nothing!. Some perfect design that is, some all-powerful creator!.

Ultimately, you have nothing to back up your argument other than the fact that you *want* it to be true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, you've contradicted yourself, and are about to prove one of my beliefs, so i thank you!. I am an atheist and I believe that an individual creates his or her own meaning in life!. In this way, an atheist will have just as much meaning in their life as a theist!. Let me present you with a quote that might sound familiar:

"Your conclusion is false if their is no God then their is no purpose or true eternal meaning of life but what you make of it!."

By saying this, you actually agree with my belief!. Choosing a religion or god is a conscious decision!. You chose god to give your life meaning, and it has!. Therefore, you created the meaning of your life, not god!. God is the reason your life has meaning, but you created it by choosing god to guide you!. Denying others the right to choose their own meaning of life is hypocritical!.

also, regarding your reasoning as to the origins of our existence, all i'm hearing from you is: If it can't be explained, it must have been invented by a magical cloud!. I can see logic in the big bang theory, but i do recognize that it is just a theory!. While in your argument, i see someone clinging do an irrational belief that has absolutely no evidence at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Big Bang theory!. Ever hear of it!? If God truly did exist, why does he allow such horrible things to happen in the world!. Especially the atrocities that are committed "in His" name!? When the Holocaust happened, where was God!? Mass murders in Rwanda, where was God!? September 11th, where was God!?

Need I go on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You already have as much information (or 'bias', shall I say) as can be processed to your cerebral cortex; and you should stick with what the lord hath giveth--in your case, not much (intellectually speaking)!.

"On the seventh day, the lord looked and saw that all he had made was good!." Thereon, it was simply a matter of difference of opinion!.


This life is a test of our faith in God!. Non-believers think that they're so smart and have all the answers!. Not everything has a scientific answer!. String Theory is so popular among scientists, yet they can never prove it!. God should be as popular!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your personal need for a god isn't proof that one exists!. And btw if "god" is constantly judging everyone, then we shouldn't have to put up with people like you constantly doing the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorant religious rants go in the R&S section, pal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The big bang did not come from nothing!. It came from a singularity, which is infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, and infinitely dense, and a "point" at which general relativity breaks down and is no longer applicable!. Prior to the big bang, nothing existed, not space, time, matter, or energy!. So where did the singularity come from!? Science isn't completely sure yet, but it's possible it's from the death of a previous universe!. But science aside, if god can come from nothing, and that's acceptable to you, why is it not acceptable that the universe can come from "nothing"!?

"!.!.!.then how did everything fall into place perfectly, their should be disorder in something like that, how did trees come from the big bang, explain!."

The big bang wasn't an explosion, rather it was a very rapid expansion, which was initially very hot!. Only after it began to cool could the heavier elements form and come together to make gas clouds, stars, and galaxies (including our own)!.

"Actually look around you their is evidence, none of this world is here by just chance,!.!.!.Look at how your body is created, somebody placed all of your organs and blood inside your body to work together so you can live!."

Complexity does not imply design!. Snowflakes can be complex, yet arise through natural processes!.

"The way that our needs our met on this world and how our body is taken care of by our surrounding things and the nature,!.!.!."

Yes, at first glimpse the Earth does seem to be made for us, but in fact it's just the opposite!. It is us who are perfect for the Earth!. The Earth was here long before we were, and we just evolved and adapted to live on it!.

In conclusion I'd like to point out that scientific theories need not include a supernatural deity to work, so as they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!.


you are asking a question that would take you a long time to understand!. there is so much information!. you are asking what has taken science all of this time until today to explain, and since humans aren't all perfect nor all knowing we don;t yet have all the answers!.

it is not scientific to first conjure up an imaginary being and then ask that it be proven it doesn't exist!.

if that's your argument than i want you to prove to me that the universe and earth and all that wasn't created by a jell-o monster that is all-knowing and all-powerful!. but you can't, and does that mean it exists!?!.!.!.

there is something in physics called the conservation of energy, meaning nothing can be created nor destroyed, only converted from one thing to another!.

there has always been and always will be the same amount of energy that is universe!.

the big bang was the beginning of time, the beginning of space, the universe is space and time!.

before the big bang, there was no place for your god to be in, no time!. which means he could not possibly have conjured anything, since you need time to move and do things and have things come into being!.

stuff just is there, it must be, if there was no stuff then there would be nothing at all!. no place for anything to exist!. no material to make anything out of, nothing for your god to be made of, no time or place for it to be in!.

your god argument is the one that fails to explain the most, because you say well!.!. where did the big bang come from (answer, possibly a explanding and then re-compressing cycle that has been going on "forever") well!.!. where did your god come from, what was he made of, who or what made him!. if he is perfect, then someone must have designed him, such a complex being, perfection, must have been designed!. the argument for using god to explain evolution fails because that argument implies god could never have come about without the same intervention, and so on forever!. whereas evolution allows for simple energy, in it's most simple form at the beginning of the universe to form into hydrogen, the most simple element, and then into stars that are capable of creating more elements, and then explode and spread those elements around the universe, and then make planets, and then cycles of weather, magnetic fields protecting from radiation, then with amino acids and energy, possibly diamonds as a new theory proposes, the first simplest life is formed, then over time it evolves slightly more complicated and so on until you get more complex beings like us and eventually us!.

you take the example of a tree as thinking it seems way too complex to have evolved from nothing, yet you would so easily believe that a giant tree with leaves, bearing fruit, is the product of a simple seed, a small roundish object, that left on the ground transforms into a huge giant!. that seems like such a simple and unimpressive thing to you!? it seems simpler and less impressive to me, the mechanics, the system, the logic of evolution, than it does that a small hard pebble, left on the ground, with some liquid around it and some light shining on it will grow huge into a tree!. but it happens!.

just because things are complicated and hard to understand it doesn't mean they don't happen!. and when you find something hard and complicated to understand that science promotes, it might serve you better to figure out what they are talking about and learn it for yourself before you go and say it is wrong!. you condemn a thing you don't even understand!.

you're exactly right everything on earth is just so, in order for humans to be able to exist!. so, then if it wasn't humans wouldn't exist, and so nobody would be around to wonder at how it can be possible that the world is so perfect for us!. it must be that way, because we are here!. it doesn't mean somebody built it for us!. if you were living and surviving on a planet that couldn't support human life at all, then you'd be on to something, then you could say that someone put us there!. but our planet is perfect for us, we evolved that way!.

if you do not believe the science, it is because you have not learned and understood it yet!. these are not inventions of man they are discoveries!. they are not things man invented and then set out to prove!. they are things which the evidence made us know they existed!.

your god never showed us evidence he must exist!. he was a story in a book that you think must not be fiction, because some people you know said so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com