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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do youy believe in The Secret?

Question: Do youy believe in The Secret!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. The secret works on "The Law of Attraction" where believing that something will happen makes it happen!. It's psychology, not magic!.

Next time you are searching for a memory, don't say "I can't remember!.!.!." Instead say, "I'll remember in a minute!.!.!." and you will remember!. Now, that exercise has nothing to do with The Secret except it works on the same psychological principles!.

The thoughts which people allow to run through their minds affect the way that the physical world manifests itself around them!. The Secret asks people to be unrestrained optimists!. As silly as that can seem, it's a fact that people who can pull off constant optimism get more of the things that they want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope, it goes against one of the most basic laws of the universe: the law of noncontradiction!. This states that no two contradictory ideas can be true at the same time!. So let's say that using the law of attraction one person wanted nothing more and focused positively on God not existing and another person did the same but God does exist!. The Secret says that the universe will rearrange itself for you but, God cannot both exist and not exist, therefore, the Secret does not work!. God forbid people actually work to achieve what they want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lets take a look at lala's example, she says no!. She says Positive things help but you might not get what you want!.

The Secret says "What you think about you create/attract"!. Lala thinks that positive thinking doesn't get her what she wants, and so there are times she comes up short in life's pursuits!. She is using the secret is about putting value to your thoughts and what they will manifest if you allow them too!. Lala would undermine any attempt of attraction, because she feels deep down inside, you might not get what you want!. Now that is her experience, but if those experiences didn't happen to her, then she would have no basis for her argument of saying no, and because you will do anything to convince yourself that what you think is true, the world around you will give you those elements so you can be convinced you are right!. Now here is the winning question, take my last statement and apply it to me, if its true don't I benefit by thinking yes and attracting!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Positive thinking doesn't always get waht you want!. Sometimes you're positive you're going to get the lead part in the play, but it doesn't necessarilly mean that you will!. Sometimes you're positive that someone is interested in you, but it doesn't guarantee that they are!. Positive thinking can definately make you happier, but it can't make everything you want to happen happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it is rubbish! I have seen reviews of it, and it just rehashes some earlier nonsense!. If Oprah recommended it, that shows it is trash!. Self-help books never work, but some people are addicted to them!. They are thrilled with "The Secret" for a while and then when they come down to earth, they are back at the bookstore ready to buy the next self-help rubbish that is popular with gullible people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally loved the book!. I read it at a time that I was a real low in my life and I needed hope and inspiration!. I knew I had problems and issues, and this book helped save me!. I was so negative about my life and my world, and how nothing was ever going to change, and how I would never succeed in my future!. My biggest problem was the negativity!. I always spoke to myself in a bad way!. So, for me, this is the book the set my mind free! Now that that has happened I am so happy!. I love my life, and am so grateful for everything that I do have!. This does not mean there are not things that I don't have or things that I wish were different, but you take the good with the bad and decide how it is going to effect you everyday!.
I suggest this book to a lot of people, but you really have to have the right frame of mind to walk away from it and gain the new perspective!.

Thanks for reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes but they missed the mark!.!.!.its not the real secret!.!.!.!.!.if you have to use the secret to make your life better than your assuming your life is not good to start with!.!.!.therefore people using the secret will inevetabley be trapped in pursing a better life admitting there's is not goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is no "Secret"!. It's simply the Law of Attraction repackaged!. And they made a nice bundle out of it, too!. On that note, yes, the Law of Attraction works!. Our eventual subconscious thoughts begin to shape our reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do, the only difference is that I just call it "The Law Of Attraction"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com