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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever thought about the world?

Question: Have you ever thought about the world!?
Now for people with a religion in their life, you have probably always thought of the world as their being a God or someone that has control over everything!.

But if you don't have a religion!.!.!.and you take a minute to just think about the world!.!.!.how it was started!.!.!.and how we got here today, it can really be quite scary!.

How could existence exist before existence!? I mean that doesn't even make sense!. Just the thought of all those creatures before us, all those other planets in galaxies trillions of lightyears away!. Could we really be the only planet with life!? Doubtful!.

How can space be an infinity!? It just doesn't make any sense that no matter what there is more space and space and space!. And that it doesn't end!.

Have you ever thought, how close we are to dieing at any point in time!?

Countries are constantly fighting wars, global warming, crime is increasing, the sun could die, aliens could attack, a natural disaster!.

Have you ever thought of any of these!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course I have never thought about the world!. That's why I'm answering questions in a Philosophy Forum!.

Religion is a limiting set of beliefs, and if you're scared, stay in bed under you blankets!.

If you have an imaginary friend in Jesus, there are places where this would count as a mental health problem, and get you heavily medicated!.

Three dimensional Space is Infinite for all definitions of three-dimensionally infinite, because four dimensional Space/Time is four-dimensionally curved!. Read what Stephen Hawking has to say about the Geometry of Space/Time!.

Have you ever thought about how close you are to being alive!?

Countries are also constantly striving to make Peace!.
Global Warming is one consequence of our own actions!. It makes us face our responsibility, which is a positive thing!.
The Sun could die any time in the next five billion years!. If it is any time between now and then, statistically it probably won't be during my lifetime!.
Crime levels go up and down, and isn't happening to me right now as far as I know!.
"Sigourney Weaver" Aliens could come and attack us!. "Leonard Nimoy" Aliens could come and offer peace!.
Natural disasters are inevitable!. There is nothing we can do to prevent them!. You can chose to worry or not worry, but worrying will not effect the outcome!.

"Heaven" and "Hell" have the same postal address!. Your internal dialogue decides which one you inhabit, and nobody else cares!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you are not thinking about is that space is too big for us to really comprehend it yet!. And when you die, it's not like you sleep- your consciousness ceases to exist!. And the sun won't die for a while, you have time!. Let me ask you something; can you or will you really do anything about anything of what you mentioned!? I'm guessing you will answer no unless you know of a way to avert a natural disaster or a war, but since you are asking- it's a no!. So, think about it this way, how much time are you going to waste freaking out about things you can't control instead of living your life just in case they do happen!? If a tidal wave is coming are you going to think "oh man, I was worried about this for like 30 years!" I know what I'll be thinking is; "damn it, I never got to jet ski or jump off of a plane or climb a mountain" or "crap, I never apologised to so- and- so for whatever" or "damn it, I never got to go in the world trade center" (and I didn't, I regret that now)!. Worrying about something does not mean the situation will be fixed unless you want to personally do something about global warming; which would be to go to the white house and tell them to accept the Kyoto Act- which I doubt they will do; they would rather keep gay people from getting married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The crude death rate in America, right now, is 8!.2 people per a thousand!. We aren't that close to dying!. We also aren't that close to our sun dying!. Perhaps, these seem insignificant when you think about how long the earth has been around, but when you think about how long people have been around, we've given it a really good shot!.

I also think I have a better shot at complacency in this world than a lot of the religious ones!. I mean, things are way simpler!. I live my life, at the end of the day, I go to sleep!. I don't have to worry about if I'm doing anything right or how it'll effect me after I die!.

And maybe that's just me though!. I know when I become un-religious, I did have a hard time accepting it at first!.

That's why I don't break my back to believe in religion!. I accept what science knows with the knowledge that it'll know more in the future!. I don't have to disown any logic to believe in my God or disown my religion to believe in Evolution!.

That just complicates everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com